"Oh...I see." Jimin nodded his head, making an uneasy face. "Well I really have to go now so..." He tugged his right wrist away, but Makoto kept a tight hold.

"Oppa don't leave yet. I've always wanted to spend time with you outside of school."

Jimin bit his lip, still attempting to remove Makoto's hands from him. "Um I'm really sorry, Makoto. But we can't hang out today--or ever--to be exact because..."

"Because he already has a girlfriend." Park appeared in the middle of Jimin and Makoto and removed the girl's hands from Jimin, who was too in shock to keep her tight grasp. "I'm sorry." Park said sympathetically. Although she tried to mind her own business, she could sense that Jimin really did not want to be around that other girl, but she wouldn't take the hints when he kept trying to leave.

"A girl-a girlfriend?? Oppa, really?" Makoto looked to Jimin with big eyes and her lip quivered as if she was about to cry.

Park felt bad for the girl and didn't want her to start crying because she was heartbroken, but then Jimin spoke quickly and held Park's hand.

"Yeah I'm sorry, Makoto. But I do have a girlfriend. That's the reason why I can't hang out with you. I hope you understand."

Makoto sniffled but then her eyes all of a sudden shot death glares to Park and she started to speak through clenched teeth, "I can't believe you told my Jimin away from me. You bitch."

Park gasped and took a step back from Makoto. Her personality did a complete 180. One second she was sweet and was even about to cry, and the next second she was literally about to stab Park. Park didn't want to say anything out loud, but she was really scared.

"Oh god...um ok. Well Makoto uh we really have to go...I uh..." Jimin sensed the tension and tried to pull Park's wrist, implying that they need to leave.

"No! Jimin! This is not fair!" Makoto spontaneously grabbed an empty glass cup that was on a table and threw it against the wall right behind Park.

"Oh my god???" Park huddled closer next to Jimin and he started to rush out of the boba shop.

"OK BYE!!"

Once the two reached the outside of the boba shop, Jimin gave Park an awkward smile and she waited for him to give a freakin explanation about what just happened.

"Ok so um Makoto is a girl from my school who has a huuuuge crush on me...and she's a little...she was kiiiind of diagnosed as being psychotic?"

"WHAT? She's a psycho?! I triggered her psycho-ness?!"

"Wellll look on the bright side. At least you helped me out of a sticky situation. So thanks for that." Jimin patted Park on the back.

"UGH!" Park punched Jimin's chest with the hand that he was holding. "No! But now she thinks I'm your girlfriend for real and because she's fucking crazy she's going to come after me for "stealing" you away from her!!"

"I don't think she's gonna go after you."

"What the hell are you talking about?! Were you not there when she called me a bitch and almost threw glass at me!"

"Umm ok maybe she'll forget how you look and won't even go after you?"

"Park Jimin!"

"AHHHHHHH!" Park and Jimin both screamed when they heard Makoto's voice coming close to them.

Makoto ran up to the two and Park hid behind Jimin. Makoto caught her breath and then smiled. "Ok I would truly like to apologize for my little episode that I had back at the boba shop. I completely overreacted and I am so sorry if I have embarrassed you. But even though you claim that you have a girlfriend, I will not give up. I will prove to you that I deserve you so much more than...her."

Park peaked out from behind Jimin's back and deeply wished that she didn't just do that because the way Makoto was staring her down could have killed her right then and there.

"I don't think you actually like her, Jimin. I mean, this whole time you were keeping her a secret so you obviously don't care for her. I would be a much better girlfriend. I'm prettier and cuter than she is."

"Makoto." Jimin said firmly. "Don't talk about my girlfriend that way. I am happy with her and I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings."

"No." She whined. "Stop calling her your girlfriend! She's not your girlfriend! I don't believe you!"

"If she's not my girlfriend, then I wouldn't do this." Jimin frustratingly grabbed Park by the front of her shirt and roughly pressed his lips onto hers. The kiss lasted for about four seconds before he pulled away and held Park's hand again. "Now do you believe me? We are together so please stop bothering me in school and please do not harass my girlfriend either."

Makoto clenched her fists together and then slapped Jimin across the face. "I'm sorry, Jimin. But I'm doing this because I love you and I hope that you will soon come to your senses." Then she spun on her heels and left.

"PARK JIMIN WHAT THE FUCK!" Park screamed and slapped Jimin.

"OW! Didn't you see that the psycho already slapped me?? What was that for??"

"My bad. Let me even it out." Park rolled her eyes and slapped Jimin's other cheek. "You tainted me, you ass hole!"

"Ugh well anyway," Jimin shrugged carelessly, "I'm going home."

"What?! You're seriously just leaving now?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"UM apologize first for making your lips touch my lips in an intimate manner!"

"Alright. Sorry."

Park was left standing on the sidewalk and watched Jimin walk down the road with his hands in his pockets. "I need another drink." She stomped back into the shop and ordered another boba--medium sized this time.


yooo I got an iPhone today and my selfies look hellllla good now

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