Yeah, I'm happy for him but that doesn't change my feelings towards him. It's almost like all the love I had for him retired and moved to Hawaii.

Don't get me wrong, I still love him..I think, but I'm beyond angry. A simple 'I'm sorry' won't do the trick. Nothing will.

And if you know me, I'm pretty good with holding grudges. I'm pretty intense.

I never want to see him again. I never want him to find me. So here's where the two last names come in.

My real name is Cassandra Brooks but I changed it..

You know, so he won't find me.. If he even wants to. My new name is Ariana Grande. The one and only.

Wanna hear a story? A story in a story.. This is getting kind of weird. Anyways, here we go.

We were poor; Delaney and I. We had no money, no shelter, no nothing. We ended up moving in with my mother. Yes, I was only 16 when I got pregnant which meant a normal teenager would still be living with her mother but I wasn't. Zayn and I bought an apartment. We both paid half.

Since he left, I had to move out because I couldn't afford all of it.

I lived with my mother and gave birth on December 18th, 2010. My beautiful baby girl.

When Delaney was 6 months old, I got a call. No, not from him, from a producer. We spoke for hours and hours about my acting in the play called '13'. He said he watched it recently and wanted me to audition for a show that he was going to start.

In need for money, I did and I made it. I played a roll about a clueless, cheery, smiling girl named Cat Valentine on a show called 'Victorious'.

I had so much fun. I made so many new friends such as Thomas, Victoria, Daniella, Elizabeth, Avan, Matt, and much more.

We filmed Victorious for about 3 years until it ended. We were all very sad but felt very accomplished.

So, I had been working on this album for about 3 years. It came out September 3rd, 2013; Two years ago. I released on of my songs called The Way two marchs' ago and it went platinum!

Now everyone knows about me. They know I can sing, act, and (I like to call myself) very nice. I'm so beyond excited! Zayn's dream came true, and now mine is!

My album went number one! I'm gaining more and more followers on twitter. People are starting to like me!

I can't even begin to explain how happy I am. It's only been 2 years since my album came out and I've already started writing my second one. I'm going on mini tours all the time, this is insane.

But do you wanna hear something awkward?

@Zaynmalik followed me on twitter... But it's pretty damn funny because he doesn't know who I really am. No one does. No one except my family.

He also tweeted me. . .

"@zaynmalik: @ArianaGrande Wow! Got a great voice! Sounds so familiar though. Congrats on all success! :D xx"

He said my voice sounds familiar. Hmm, probably because I USED TO SING FOR HIM ALL THE TIME. Gah, my cover is going to be blown sooner or later.

But when I last saw him as Cassandra, my hair was a dark black/brown color. When I went on victorious, it was red and now it's brown with blonde tips. I've lost some weight as well. No, I'm not anorexic, I'm average.

Zayn would never recognize me. It's kind of funny! My plan is actually working here. Well, there's a first.

A little more about what I'm doing...

I'm co-staring in a show called 'Sam and Cat' with one of my best friends Jennette. It's a blast. We are both a character from two different tv shows. Our characters were put together in one show. It's pretty cool.

While we aren't filming that, I'm recording in the studio. I've finished some of my songs from my new album. About a month ago, I released another single and it went platinum.

It is called 'You left me'. Yes, it's about Zayn. I just had to get it out of my system. It's like a fireball in my stomach! I can't stand it.

You're not going to believe what happened next!!

I got a call from the producers from MTV and they want me to sing 'You left me' at the VMA's this Saturday. Tomorrow.

They called me about a month ago and I said yes! I'm so excited. My song also got nominated for song of the summer.

But then there's something that twists in my stomach. Fear, anxiety, and nerves.

One Direction, consisting Zayn, got nominated for the same award. Aka they're going to be there. Same room, same arena. I haven't seen Zayn in 5 years.

How am I going to do this? How am I going to survive this?! I'm bringing Delaney too! Well, it's not like he will recognize me or her. He hasn't even met her!

Deep breaths, Ariana, Breathe.

Nobody knows that she's Zayn's daughter. No one except my mother. The whole world doesn't even know. I didn't tell them anything.

All they know is that she's my daughter, no father. They made up different scenarios of who it could be but of course, they're wrong.

They ended up accepting me with my daughter. I got called a whore and or slut a lot but it eventually quieted down.

Tonight are VMA rehearsals which means that Zayn is going to be there. Did I mention that One Direction are performing as well? Well, now I did.

These next two nights are going to be filled with awkwardness. Awkwardness from me. Oh boy.





Yay! Chapter 1!

I'm excited to announce that I'm going to be writing this story!

Also, I want to make this clear with y'all.

I do not, under any circumstances, ship Zayn and Ariana. Zayn is engaged.

I just wanted to play out a story like this.




Please please remember that.

Some of it will be true but the majority of it won't be, okay?

So if I say something in the story that isn't really true, go with it. It's a made up story guys.

I'm not trying to come off rude, it's just people are dumb and take things WAY too seriously.

In real life Ariana is 20 but in the story she is 22 okay BC it's 2015 but it's based on normal time rn so just to with it!

About the song 'You left me', it's all made up. I'm writing it just for the story.

Hopefully I made something's clear with everyone(if anyone even reads this lol).

I love you guys, and thanks for reading if you do.

(Sorry if there are mistakes in this chapter.)

-Mackenzie xoxo

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