Clouds of Suicidal

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They soar up high,

Covering the blue sky.

It sometimes comes in dark colors;

Ruins your day with roars.

Some things may come and cover the light,

Leaving you alone, crying through the night..

They leave you with so much pain,

But in the end, there's always something to gain.

Darkness might swallow you for a certain time,

Dragging you down and may turn you blind.

You have to remember that everything will be alright,

That darkness will eventually lead to the light.

Things may get a little harsh;

Sometimes a tear might roll down your blush.

Letting it go doesn't mean you're not a fighter,

Letting it go can make things lighter.

Holding on to these things can only hurt you;

Holding on to those tears can only make your day blue.

These things might hurt you badly,

But, dear, please remember they're here temporarily.

You might feel that you won't make it,

That feeling when you've been hardly hit.

You might think that you won't succeed,

But, dear, please remember you'll have to proceed.

You don't have to cut your wrist;

You don't have to end it with a rope.

If you ever want to; just clench your fist,

And gather all your courage, faith and hope.

Don't end things with the shades of red;

Don't end things with a sharp blade;

Because just like the clouds, put this in your head,

Darling, these things will eventually fade.

The day will come and hardships will end,

Because strength was your real friend.

Just like clouds they cover the light,

But, darling, these things will wane through the night.

It would be always nice if you stay,

Being able to be proud and say:

"A thousand times, I might have failed,"

"But through the hardships, I sailed."

Now remember these things when you go to bed;

Baby no tear should be shed.

Close your eyes and go to sleep;

Everything will be alright so don't weep.

Drops of Ink (A Collection of Heartbreaking and Sad Poems)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon