~ Chapter 24 ~

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^Remade Sundown^
*Choose which ever one you prefer to be your visual representation of her, I honestly don't know which ones I like or dislike*

I apologise I have just realised one major MAJOR flaw in my story.
It is set before Smokescreen comes to Team Prime >~<
So just bare with me and pretend he came in before this story. Whoops.


Sunstreaker collapsed as Sundown shouted in surprise, his optics rolled back into his helm as his body fell forward, Sundown barely able to hold him up, instead accidentally dropped him as he crashed to the floor.

"Su-Sunny? Sunstreaker!" Sundown kneeled by him, frantically shaking him as she pushed him over onto his back. "Sunstreaker! Answer me!"

She heard shouts down the hall as a medical team quickly came in, rushing into the room her other brother was in.

Sundown stood up, seeing the medics quickly open his spark chamber as they attach some wires and step back, pressing a button.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker's frames both jumped, as she flinched, Sundown stared at Sunstreaker as his body was jolted again.

"Su-Sunny?" Sundown whispered, tears pooling in her optics as his body was jolted yet again.

Sundown knelt back down, going to touch his helm when one of the medic pulled her servo back. "They are spilt sparks, aren't they?"

Sundown nodded, staring at Sunstreaker in worry. "If they restart Sideswipe's spark, his will start again as well."

Sundown looked at the medic. "And if they don't restart Sides's spark?"

The medic looked sad and reluctant to tell Sundown. "I think you know dear."

~ ~ ~

"You all set Sundown?" Sundown nodded, looking over her armour, she looked the exact same.

"Remember," Ratchet lowered his voice, "when you press the button, you'll change into Lithiuma and a holoform of yourself will also be created, you'll need to fight hard then destroy the body, with the Autobots and possibly Decepticons watching."

She nods, it's the perfect setup for my death.

"Farewell Sundown." Ratchet nodded, turning his back to her as she turned her helm to the side, staring at him.

She turned around and began to walk away, before she left he spoke. "Your brothers. They would be proud of you, if they could see what you were doing was absolutely insane."

A faint smile found its way onto her faceplate. "Thank you Ratchet."

Leaving the Medbay Sundown made her way to her room, looking around as she saw the datapad she almost always takes with her everywhere, picking it up she put it into her storage space as she turned out from the room, this could quite possibly be the last time she was in the Autobot base.

Walking out from her room, she heard the kids talking and chattering away, she had never gotten to know any of them very well, but Miko seemed quite funny.

"Hey Sundown." Bumblebee waved her over as she walked towards him and Bulkhead. "What's been happening?"

Sundown shrugged. "Nothing too much, how are you guys?"

Bulkhead nodded. "Good ha ha."

Bumblebee nodded, "me too, not much Decepticon activity lately."

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