~ Chapter 2 ~

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Humans and Conflict

Ratchet turns my servos over and gives me a look, straight in the optic. "How'd this happen?"

"It was either being squished in my space pod or jumping out while holding onto the sides, I couldn't slow down the space pod."

"Oh? Was there something wrong with it?"

"I can't fly."

"That ought to get you somewhere." He mutters, putting something on it and immediately the burning sensation disappears.

"Yeah, yeah Ratchet the Hatchet." I mummer but he overheard and I feel a wrench knock hard into my helm.

I flinch more from the memories it quickly resurfaced then the pain and shock. I squeeze my optics shut in emotional pain as my servos turn into fists. "Oh come on. It was a light hit."

I reopen my optics "I'm going now." I say in a hushed voice before standing up and quickly walking out.

I see Optimus with four unfamiliar 'bots. "Optimus? Where would my berth-room be?" I ask as he turns to look at me and so do the others.

"Whose she?" The yellow and black one beeps.

"She's Sundown, a fellow Autobot that Wheeljack came across." Optimus explains.

"I'm Bumblebee and this is Smokescreen." The yellow and black mech says, gesturing to the one beside him.

"I'm Arcee and the big lug is Bulkhead." She gestures to the dark green mech. She's slightly smaller then me, by only a few feet.

I nod at them, at least I won't be the only femme, I hate it when I am. "Arcee could you be kind enough to show her?"

"Sure," she waves "this way." I follow her down the hallway. "So basically, that's Optimus's, Ratchet's, Bulkhead's, Bumblebee's, Smokescreen's, mine and Wheeljack's although he doesn't stay here often, only on occasion."

"He doesn't seem like a 'bot Cybertronian."

"Yeah he doesn't socialise much and likes to be alone aside from Bulkhead but his still good, just takes time to get to know him, ya know?"

"Yeah, I do." I look at the spare rooms "are any of these mine?"

"Yeah, take your pick then I'll show you around the rest of the place."

"I'll take the end."

She turns around "are you sure? It's the last one and it isn't around anyone else's."

That's the point "yeah I'm sure."

~ ~ ~

Arcee and I walk into the main room, where three weird organic creatures are. I walk over as they all look up at me, the first one is a femme with black and pink fur, golden coloured optics, the other two are mechs, one having black fur and blue optics while the smallest and presumedly the youngest has brown fur and brown eyes, with a see-through glass visor with red around the edges.

I poke the femme "what are these?" I ask as she frowns and glares at me.

"What do I look like?" She snaps.

"Some kind of organic creature." I reply.

Wheeljack laughs and walks over "those, are humans. Our allies."

I frown, poking her again "they don't seem like they have a protective outer shell. They're fleshy."

"Hey! That's what the 'cons all us!" The femme shouts.

"She is Miko, the one making that noise earlier. The black haired is Jack while the shorter one is Raf."

Strange names. "Hair? What's hair? I thought it was fur."

Now Smokescreen walks in, laughing his helm off.

What did I say?

~ ~ ~

I twist my energon staff in my servo, it spins around my digits.

It's late at night and everyone is sleeping, all of the humans have gone home, humans, such strange creatures. I feel that burning sensation and I grit my dentas together. What is with my spark?

I turn off the energon staff and then twist it around, holding the normally electric end and balancing on the other hand, the staff straight up into the air. My frame with it.

I balance for a few more seconds before I push off it, spinning and landing with ease. I pick up my staff, it crackling to life. It was designed for me, others can use it but it won't have much of an effect on me. I twist it in my servo and slam it into the ground, creating an electromagnetic pulse through the ground.

I hear clapping, looking up I see Wheeljack, creeper. "Well done." He says sarcastically.

I flick the staff to the side "it wasn't a show for you or anybody else for that matter." I say calmly before walking towards him and the exit door.

On my way past him he grabs my arm, holding me tight "what's your deal?" He asks - no - demands of me.

I jerk my arm free "what's my problem? What's your problem?" I demand back as I walk away, towards my room.

"You can't just walk off like that! What are you doing to me?" He yells.

"Meh?" I point to myself turning and glare at him, I'm starting to get annoyed and that means my Kaon accent and attitude kicks in "ah ain't doin' anythin' ta ya! Ya're the one harassin' meh!"

He frowns slightly "Kaon accent?"

"Whoopee do da! Ya final' figured that out? Well ya must beh ah bit fraggin' crazy and outa ya process'r ta take ya that long to figure it out! How else did ya think I became an assassin? Just walk in as an innocent lil' femme!? Well no! I didn't!"

I'm starting to get agitated and creating conflict won't be wise, there's a time and place, now when I'm so new, isn't a good idea. Before I can knock him down I scrunch up my fists and walk in my berth-room, locking the door. Little fragger.

Well my first day here went well, for the most part.

~ ~ ~

I look through my datapad, flicking through the news pages, it's all old, from times before the war. I still look through them, even though I've memorised it. I'm homesick and when I read these, I can almost imagine me back in my old room, sitting and reading like old times.

Then my brothers wound come in, talking loudly and laughing about some prank they did to one of our fellow gladiators.

I would then laugh and joke around how one day they will wake up and find themselves welded to the roof. Then they'd say how nobody messes with the terror twins, or us three since we make such a good team.

I smile, remembering those days, before the war. It wasn't entirely peaceful but it was better then now. I wipe away the washer fluid that dropped down my faceplate.

I look back to the datapad, looking at the next news article the heading in large words: GLADIATOR, MEGATRONUS SPEAKS FOR EVERYONE TO BE EQUAL.

I snort, that was when he was good, not evil like now.

I put it down and it automatically turns off. I then stand up and stretch. I'd better get some recharge.


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