~ Chapter 13 ~

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For some reason I'm making the chapter names from songs, I don't know why, but I am.

Listen to the song as you read.

I'm Falling to pieces

Wheeljack stared into the fire, memories now swirling around in his processor.

"It's called fire, Jackie."

"Well it's too orange to be anything, and looks harmless."

"That's where you're wrong, fire may look beautiful and harmless, but it isn't, it can easily snap back at you, trying to take your spark." The femme in front of him had grinned, made a creature with her servos, shadows on the wall looking like small monsters.

"Just like femmes."

Wheeljack raised an optic-ridge, "well it reminds me of a spark-eater." He replied bluntly, crossing his arms.

"Look, if you don't like my stories and don't want to frag, then why the pits are you here for?"

Wheeljack couldn't speak, he didn't have an answer for that. "I don't know."

"Because most mechs, or femmes for that matter, just waltz in, use me and leave, and you've been here for what seems like eons, and keep on revisiting me, yet never once we've frag."

"Because it's not right to be used like that." Wheeljack spoke, but also he didn't see her in that way, she was like a little sister to him, childish and misbehaving, but then there's the other side of her, the blunt, manipulating one.

"What choice do I have anyway? It's not like I could become a gladiator, I sure as the pits have no skills and becoming a scientist like you? Do you think I'd have the smarts for that?"

Wheeljack shrugs, "who knows, I could ask around." Feeling a servo rested on his shoulder plating, he looks up, meeting her bright blue optics.

"My contract has yet to end, I wish I could, but I can't." She replied sadly.

"I wish it wasn't that way, you seem like a too nice of a femme to be in here."

"Well tell that to me creators." She mumbled, her seeker wings lowering.

Wheeljack pretends he doesn't hear.

"Sunstreaker . . . Sideswipe,"

Wheeljack got pulled out of his memories and back into the cave, hearing Sundown groan and speak two names his never heard before.

"I miss you." She mummers, optics squeezing shut.

She always seems to have nightmares, Wheeljack thinks as her whole frame shook, and she shook her helm.

That's when Wheeljack also noticed the energon on the floor, that seems to he pooling around her helm. He kneels beside her, tilting her helm as he finds the wound, a sharp rock embedded itself into her helm, with the long fall, she had probably hit it as she fell.

He knew he shouldn't remove it, yet wants to, it didn't feel right leaving it in her helm and possibly processor.

Wheeljack was just about to grab the stone when Sundown's optics shot open, she shouted in surprise at the close contact before scurry away as quickly as she could.

"S-Stay away from me!" She shouted, her back pressed against the wall. "Go away!"

Wheeljack stayed there, kneeling, he'd had some experience with mental trauma in the past before, so he raised his servos, showing he was holding no weapons and was not going to harm her.

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