~ Chapter 18 ~

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"Darkstinger~! Where are you~?"

The said mech stayed as still as he could, hiding behind a door with his back-struts pressed against the cold wall.

It wasn't the best place, but with a frame like his, he couldn't hide in most spots that other younglings could.

He was currently playing hide, chase 'n' kill with Sundown, who was roaming the gladiator living quarters, trying to find him.

The door flew open, hitting Darkstinger in the face as he bits his glossier from swearing, Primus, how hard does she have to open doors?

Sundown, oblivious to the mech hiding behind the door, looked around the room, looking underneath the bed, then opening the closet, before frowning.

Darkstinger saw his chance, he quietly stepped out from behind the door, turning to the doorway, treading carefully as he could as he stepped into the hallway.

He sighed in relief, facing away from Sundown and stepping forward again.


Slag, he swore to himself, turning and seeing Sundown looking at him, optics bright as she grinned. "Found you!"

Darkstinger wouldn't loose so easily to a younger femme then him. "Now you have to catch me." He grinned, showing off his sharp dentas as he took off running.

"I'm gonna catch you~" Sundown sung, chasing after the older mech, pedes quick along the floor as Darkstinger glanced behind him, his heavy frame weighing him down.

He turned a quick corner, glancing behind him again as Sundown also tried to turn but her pedes slipped out from underneath her, as her frame hit the hard metal floor, sliding and slamming into the wall, where she went limp.

Darkstinger stopped, panicking as he ran back, stopping near her as he gently shook her.
"Sundown! Sundown can you hear me?" He spoke, his voice frantic as he shook her.

She gave no response as he lifted her frame, "Sideswipe and Sunstreaker are going to kill me." He muttered as he stood and turned to go towards the hospital.

Before he could, however the femme jumped up, grabbing his shoulder as she leapt onto his back, her weight pushing him forward, hitting the floor.

"Got you! Got you! Now I gotta kill you!" She sung, doing a motion, which if she had a sword, she would've sliced off his helm.

Darkstinger stayed still a moment longer, shocked as it slowly clicked together.

Without warning, Darkstinger stood up as Sundown tumbled off him, making an "oof" sound when she hit the floor.

Darkstinger turned, glaring at Sundown as she looked up, engulfed in his shadow as she coward away, optics cast down, helm lowered as she started to back away.

"What do you think you were doing!?" He shouted, making Sundown flinch, "you don't pretend to be hurt like that! I thought you were fragging dead!"

"I-I'm sorry." She whimpered, looking up with optics that begged to be forgiven. "I-I didn't th-think I'd matter."

Darkstinger continued to glare, as he turned his back to her, stomping his way towards his quarters, fists clenched.


Sat alone in his quarters, Darkstinger thought back to the day he met his first and only true friend.

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