Chapter 26

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***Kaitlyn's POV****

"Niall, I'm hungry!"I said.

"Me too!" He said.

"Let's go make someone make us food!"

"Mkay!" He said smiling.

We got off the couch we were sitting on and went to go find someone to make us food. But sadly no one was there. It was just me and Niall in the house.

"I wonder where everyone is." I said.

"Yeah, oh well we can just order something." Niall said.

"Yeah cause I'm too tired to make somethin!" I said and walked back over to the couch we were sittin on and I laid down into a ball.

"Love, you're tired go to sleep." Niall said while rubbing my back.

"No, I can't sleep on an empty stomach!" I said.

"Ok then how about I make us something to eat." Niall suggested.

"Ok but I thought you said that you're a horrible chef?" I asked.

"I am at somet things but other simple things I'm good at!" He said smiling.

"Ok well please go make me food!" I said half asleep. I think he noticed because he gasped.

"You said please! You must be really tired!" He said with a smirk on his face.

"If I want so tired I would say somethin right now but I'm too damn tired!!!"

"I can see that you're tired. I'll make somethin quick and then both of us can take a nap." He said while walkin into the kitchen.

*********Louis' POV******

Me and the lads, minus Niall, decided to take Marissa and Brianna out for dinner. Why didn't we bring Niall? Well kaitlyn looked really tired and so did Niall so we decided to let them stay home and fend for themselves. It might sound mean but it's not, they get to have some alone time with each other. Plus I bet right after they eat they're going to fall asleep in each others arms. I even made a beat with Harry that they would. He said that they would be making out on the couch but Brianna and Marissa both said that that wouldn't happen. But all of us went out to eat dinner at Nandos. ( I know Columbus GA doesn't have one but in here it does) I know it's Niall's favorite place but he can come here sometime alone with Kaitlyn since the girls have never had Nandos. Niall's gonna flip out when he hears that!

*****Niall's POV******

While I was making some Mac n cheese I could hear little snores comin from the living room. I looked out there and saw kaitlyn was asleep. I finished making the Mac n cheese and decided not to wake her up so instead of wasting it I just ate all of it. She might be mad when she wakes up but I doubt it. Once I finished eating I went back to the living room and got blankets and such to wrap me and kaitlyn up cause she was shivering in her sleep. Her couch is so big it might as well be a bed so after I covered her with the blankets I crawled in after put my arms around her waist and she nuzzled up to me and she stopped shivering. It was really nice to be able to hold her. I just hope when the lads get back they aren't flipping out! I fell into a deep sleep thinking how lucky I am to have an awesome girlfriend like kaitlyn.

"Do you think we should wake them?" Someone asked.

"No they look too cute together!" A girl said.

"But we have to get ready for our show tonight!" Another male said.

"WOULD YOU ALL SHUT UP!!!!" My wonderful girlfriend screamed. I laughed and hugged her tighter.

"They live!!" Someone said dramatically.

"Seriously guys just shut it." I said.

"But we have to get ready for our show tonight." I think Liam said.

"Fine but 5 more minutes. I wanna spend as much time as I can with my wonderful girlfriend!" I begged and I heard Kaitlyn giggle.

"Yeah guys leave em alone for a bit longer!" I'm guessing Marissa said.

"Seriously cause when y'all leave them alone then we can spend more time with each other before y'all leave!" Brianna said.

"She's got a point! So leave us alone!" Kaitlyn said.

"Okay! Gosh no need to be like that!" Louis said.

"Just go away already!" Kaitlyn screamed. Once I heard their footsteps get further away, I opened my eyes and I kissed Kaitlyn'a nose. Her nose scrunched up and her eyes flittered opened. I laughed at her reaction and she slapped my chest playfully.

"What was that for?" I asked acting hurt.

"You exactly what that was for." She said.

"No I don't!" I said.

"Whatever." She said rolling her eyes. "Just kiss me." She said.

"Gladly." I said and before she could respond I kissed her.

"Okay it's been 5 minutes!" Louis yelled coming down the stairs.

"OMG! MY EYES!!! PDA SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" He screamed.

"Whatever. We all know you and Brie do worse stuff." Kaitlyn said and Louis' cheeks got really red and he ran away. I just laughed. And then kaitlyn started laughing.


I UPDATED!!!! I've been workin on this update ever since I last updated! hope y'all like it! Niall's birthday is Friday!!!! I have a stupid football game that night so I'm not gonna be on twitter until like after 11! :( and then I'm goin to the auburn game the next day to work at a consetion stand! Btw idk how to spell consetion! So yeah! Hope y'all like the update!!

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