Chapter 11: Lunch part 2 Party part 1

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*****Kaitlyn's POV******

"Well that was a really good lunch!" I said while me and Anna walked to the car while my mom was payin the bill. "What do you wanna do now since its only 1?" I asked Anna and then my mom came into the car and I started the ignition and drove out of the parking lot.

"Let's go get our nails done!" Anna said and I agreed and we went go get our nails done. Except my mom she doesn't get her nails done professionally. When we were done we made our way home.

***** Marissa's POV******

"Okay good Kaitlyn left now we can get ready for the party." I said to Brianna. The lads showed up like 10 minutes after they left to help us get ready.

***** 1hour later***

The house is all set up. There are balloons and streamers all around. In our backyard we have a stage set up so we can have a concert. We're havin a bunch of singers comin for Kaitlyn's party that she loves.

"Niall" I said lookin around for him.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Okay, you are Kaitlyn'a favorite member of 1D! So I want you to be the last one she meets. And I want you to meet her brothers and her dad!" I told him and he nodded and I led him to her brothers who showed up 10 minutes ago.

"Andrew Justin this is Niall, he likes your sister. So be nice to him." I told Kaitlyn's brothers and then walked away while Niall stood there surprised at what I just said.

**** Niall's POV***

I can't believe Marissa just said that to Kaitlyn's brothers.

"So you like our only sister?" The one with the shortest hair asked. And the other one walked away.

"Yes sir I do." I said nervously.

"Dude calm down you don't have to call me sir you only have to call our dad sir. Plus I'm only 25 so I'm still young. Oh by the way I'm Andrew and the one with the long hair is our other brother Justin." Andrew said. I calmed down after that and found out Andrew's really nice and funny. I also found out that Justin likes heavy metal music and doesn't really pay attention to Kaitlyn. I also found out that Kaitlyn's favorite brother is Andrew because he's the nicest and he actually pays attention to her.

"Okay I'm really nervous to meet her dad though. Kaitlyn told me that he was in the military for 26 years and is like really loud and since she's the only girl he's going to be really protective about her." I said to Andrew while other people were arriving to the party.

"It's okay just be calm and say answer his questions honestly and use the word sir." Andrew said giving me advice about their dad.

"Okay thanks man. I got to go Harry wants to talk to me." I said shaking his hand and walking away.

******Brianna's POV*******

OMG I just met Louis Tomlinson! I also met Niall, Liam, Harry, and Zayn. There are a whole bunch of celebrities here at Kaitlyn's party. There's also some of Kaitlyn's other friends and a little surprise person I found for Kaitlyn. She's gonna love it!!

"Okay y'all Kaitlyn's mom just sent me a text sayin they just pulled down the street! Everyone find a hiding place and stay there till the light turns on!" Marissa yelled. Once everyone found a hiding spot Marissa turned the lights off and she then hid. A couple minutes later we heard someone open the door and say "why are the lights off? Where's Marissa and Brianna?" Then the lights turned on and we all jumped up and yelled "SURPRISE!!!!" Kaitlyn jumped and dropped the shopping bags she had.

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