Chapter 13: Party part 3

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Chapter 13: Party part 3

*******Niall's POV********

I'm so mad at Brianna. She took Kaitlyn away from me just so she could go see someone. I was walkin out of the kitchen and saw her with some dude. Then I heard Kaitlyn yelling at him. Everyone got quiet and just listened to their conversation. Then she ran upstairs and I was going to go after her but Taylor beat me to it so I got all the lads and we walked up to the person she was yelling at. I think his name is Ryan.

"What the fuck is wrong with you dude?" I asked him and he just looked at me confused.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me?" He asked

"Was all of that true? What Kaitlyn just screamed out."

"Yeah but why does it matter to you if it's true or not? It's not like y'all are going out. She's too pretty for you. Especially if she thought I was cute."

"Yeah the key word is thought. If you didn't hear her correctly she doesn't like you anymore."

"Oh yeah sure that's what they all say but they all come runnin back!"

"Yeah sure but she's not comin back to you."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because why would she I mean come on? You did all of that to her a smart girl wouldn't come back and she's very smart!"

"Hahahaha she's not smart! She's so stupid why do you think she didn't get into college?" He said laughin while everyone was still quiet.

"So she didn't get into college it's their loss. Even though I just met her I can tell she's very smart plus she's pretty and nice. Not to mention funny!"

"Haha that's funny but seriously she's stupid and ugly!"

"Say that one more time and see what happens!"

"Okay she's stupid and ugly!"

"That's it I'm tired of your bullshit!" I said and then I punched him right in the nose.

I looked up and saw Kaitlyn standin on the stairs starring at me. She had a smile on her face. Then she asked "what happened?" Still smiling.

"Well he was saying bad things about you so I punched him in the nose." I said looking at my feet.

"Aww thank you! That's so sweet you did that but you forgot to do one thing." She said looking at me.

"And what would that be?" I asked and looked into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"You forgot to do this." She said and kicked Ryan right in the no-no area! He yelled and then he kicked Kaitlyn's feet but I caught her in my arms before she could fall.

"Thanks for catching me" she said blushing and lookin at the floor once I put her down.

"You're welcome. And don't be embarrassed when you blush I think it's cute." I said and pushed her chin up so she was looking me in the eyes.

"Thanks!" She said blushing again while looking into my eyes.

"Welcome and by the way you look beautiful." I said and she blushed again.

"Really because I'm wearin sweats and some Keds." She said

"Yeah I know."

"Okay Kaitlyn! It's time to open presents then we can go to the backyard." Marissa said breaking us apart just like Brianna did. What is with the girls here breaking us apart.

"Okay but I want Niall to sit next to me. If he wants to!" Kaitlyn said looking at me. "Would you like-"

"I would love to." I said cutting her off and she smiled and hugged me and we started walking to the huge living room they had.

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