Chapter 10: Lunch part 1

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****Niall's POV****

Today's Kaitlyn's 19th birthday! The lads and I are going over to her house for her surprise party. I'm meeting her family tonight and she has two older brothers who are supposed to be really tough and mean. I'm sorta nervous to meet them and her dad. She said her dad was in the military for 26 years. Woah!

"Niall! Mate what's wrong you seem kinda down?" Liam asked so concerned.

"Well, I'm nervous about meeting her family. What if they don't like me?" I said while puttin my head in my hands.

"Mate, if her family's anything like her then they'll like you." Liam said comforting me.

"How do you know? What if Kaitlyn doesn't like me?" I asked.

"I promise you, she likes you." Liam said getting out his phone.

"How do you know?" I asked raising my head and starred at Liam while he was looking for somethin on his phone.

"This is how I know she likes you." Liam said showing me his phone. It was a conversation between him and Kaitlyn. "See she told me that she likes and she couldn't wait to meet you in person!" Liam said.

"Wow she actually likes me and if we get to know each other tonight, then when we meet up before the concert I might ask her to be my girlfriend." I said with a huge grin on my face. Harry, Louis, and Zayn walked in and saw me smiling like a freak.

"What's up with him?" Zayn asked.

"Is he thinking of Kaitlyn again?" Harry asked.

"Awww! Wittle Niall has a crush!!!!!" Louis said while raising his eyebrows.

"Maybe." I said and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Aww Niall's blushing!!!" Louis said pinching my cheeks. I slapped his hand away!

"Oi! That hurt!" Louis said jumping up and running towards Liam crying on his shoulder. But Liam pushed him away and he ended up crawling into a ball on the floor.

"Niall, do you like Kaitlyn?" Zayn asked all serious.

"No!" I said really fast and liked down at the floor when I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Yes he does! He likes Kaitlyn!" Harry said.

"Aww!!!" Louis said jumping up off the floor and squeezing me and soon the other lads joined in. This is gonna be a fun party. Note the sarcasm.

**********Kaitlyn's POV************

"Okay, so where do y'all wanna go for lunch?" I asked my mom and Anna when we got into my crappy car.

"Idk." Anna said.

"I don't care, as long as you tell me who he is." My mom said.

"What are you talkin about mom?" I asked starting the car.

"Don't act like you don't know Kaitlyn!" My mom said slapping my arm.

"I'm not actin I really don't know who you're talkin about." I said pullin out of our driveway to my favorite restaurant, El Vaqueros.

"Oh you know who we're talkin about Kaitlyn." Anna said from the back seat.

"I honestly don't know who y'all are talkin about so please explain!" I said gettin kinda frustrated.

"I can see it in your eyes that you like someone. Now tell me who he is." My mom said. My mom could never tell I liked someone when I was a teenager.

"Okay I like one person. But he's famous and won't ever like me back."

"Ah ha! I knew there was a guy! So who is he?" My mom asked.

"Okay his names Niall Horan." I said parking the car in the parking lot of El Vaqueros.

"Niall Horan? Like the Niall Horan from One direction?" Anna asked as we walked into the building. Instantly I smelled the Mexican food cooking in the kitchen.

"Yes Niall Horan from one direction." I said to Anna.

"How many?" The waitress asked me.

"Three." I said. Once we sat down I turned my attention to Anna and said "we've texted a few times and he FaceTimed me once." I knew she was gonna freak out and fangirl.

"You've texted Niall Horan before bad he FaceTimed you?!" Anna asked kinda loud and then all eyes were on me.

"OMG!!!! You're Kaitlyn! Can I get your autograph?" A girl who looked around 14 asked me.

"Sure, but why do you want it?" I asked her while signing a paper she gave me.

"Well because you're dating Niall Horan aren't you?" She asked.

"What? No I'm not. I've never even met him in person." I said looking at the girl. She looked like one of those non-popular girls at school just like me.

"Oh okay well thank you anyways and happy birthday!" She said and started to turn around.

"Wait how do you know it's my birthday?" I asked her and she spun back around and pulled out her phone and showed me twitter.

"Niall posted a tweet this mornin sayin it was your birthday." She said.

"Well I do t even know how he knows today's my birthday because I didn't tell him." I said confused.

"Ask Brianna or Marissa they probably told him." The girl said.

"Thank you, I will and hey what's your twitter I'll follow you." I said to the girl.

"OMG thank you and it's @onedirectionlover (an idk if that's real) and my name is Carrie." Carrie said.

"Okay well you're welcome. Bye Carrie. When I get home and steal my iPod back from Marissa I'll follow you." I said

"Lol okay bye." Carrie said and walked away.

"Well that was weird. Oh well who's hungry?" My mom said.

"I am!" I said.

"When aren't you hungry?" My mom asked.

"True!" I said. I can't wait to get home. Since today's my birthday I don't have to do anything and since its summer I don't have school and I got fired from my job because apparently I can't use sarcasm to the customer at Petsmart! Ugh!!!



Hope you have a wonderful day!!

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