Best Friends

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So, to be brief, here is her outfit TO the photo shoot and her three dresses AT the photo shoot!  Check it out:)

Oh, and I'm excited about this chapter and the next three.  They may be a little short, but I'll update faster.  Thanks for reading!

Notice I'm not that naggy about voting, fanning, and commenting!  Though everyone would appreciate that click of a button!

Saying goodbye to Mellie and May, I walk out the front door and down the path to my driveway.  The clean gardens, yard, and trees seemed so fancy that it's almost unreal as I pass by, but then again, this is just like every other house on the Rich Side.  Gosh does it get annoying.

"Pey!  Come on!  We can't be that late!"  Maddie yelled from inside the limo.

Rolling my eyes, I swiftly climbed into the awaiting black, stretched out car before me and sat elegantly into the black leather.  The mini censors in the seat scanned my body, adjusting itself so that way I could become more comfortable.  On the cup holders to my left appeared a chilled frappuccino, my favorite.

"Hey, Madds!"  I reach over to hug my best friend since birth before seat belting and waving to Jeffery.  He smiled before starting the limo and taking us to our destination.

"Vous regardez très mignon aujourd'hui."  She spoke in her fluent french accent.  She should be fluent, her mother is the France ambassador.  Her father is the world famous doctor Vincent Harring, though.

"Merci, je essayer."  I was fluent, too.  I've went plenty of times with Maddie to France, for both business and pleasure.  You tend to pick up a thing or two in a foreign country.

(Maddie said:  You look cute today.  Peyton said:  Thank you, I try. (Technically, she's the prettiest girl of her generation, so she doesn't have to try.  She's not even wearing makeup and her hair is in a ponytail.))

"So,"  Switching back to english apparently.  She's everywhere, like I swear she's ADHD, but with fashion, trends, and conversations.  "You know the new makeup Kaitlynn tried yesterday?"

"Yeah, the Venom for her lips."

"Yeah, well it looks horrible.  They looked swollen and that purple eyeshadow?  Mixed with the grey?  Ugh!  Don't get me started!  I heard people saying that it looks like two black eyes, and honey, it so does."  She rushes out, and I smile.  I love Maddie to death, she's also like my sister, but it's good to see her even if we hung out yesterday at the Jacko.  The Jacko is this high tech, restaurant combined with hollographic movies.  You walk in with your party, order, and during your dinner, you watch movies on a screen that, if it's 3D, will become hollographic.

"I agree, though she's nothing compared to us.  No one likes her!  Just the opposite of her sister Able.  Everyone loves her, and I'm her friend on Generations."  (Generations=High tech version of Facebook)

"Yeah, I can't believe she's married to Ash, he is so hot!"  The car came to a stop, and we stepped out of the car, drinks and purses in hand, and made our way into the Deca Agency.  Surveying the area, it was posh, chic, and modern.  The color scheme, charcoal, white, assorted metals, and brown, made the place seem very professional and cold, though the environment seemed awed at the sight of my classmates filling into the lobby.

"Attention Class of 2020, please go immediately to the Preperatoy Rooms.  Thank you."

And on that note, we all filed into the room that will make us over for our awaiting future.



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