Questions and Answers

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So- I was tagged by MangoTacoLuverz to do this tag. Thanks friend...

Anyways, rules:

- You have to post all of the rules

- Tag 13 people (UH- if I have that many...)

- Post 13 facts

- Answer 13 questions

- You can tag back

- "I don't do tags" is not acceptable

- You will be reminded if you forget in a week

13 facts about me:

~ I dance

~ I'm Asian

~ I'm 12 years young

~ I speak 3 languages

~ I like food

~ I love to read and write

~ I have a younger brother

~ I'm a girl/ lady/ woman

~ I'm a Potterhead

~ I ship everything

~ I have wonderful *cough* friends. You know who you are...

~ I go to school

~ I like making covers


1. What's a hobby you think I don't know about?
- Uhm- well my friend(s), I dance. And sleep. And eat. And I rollerblade. And swim. And other shtuff~

2. What's the name of your favorite song?
- Well, I don't have a favorite song but I like songs from Camp Rock (I just recently finished both movies and lemme tell you- I LUV IT). I also enjoy songs from High School Musical, like that "I Gotta Go My Own Way" song. It's a nice song but it's very emotional.

3. Can you speak any other languages? If so, what languages do you know?
- Yes I can speak other languages. I can speak English, Mandarin, and Fuzhounese.  I can also speak a little Turkish and a little Spanish. 

4. What is your star sign?
- I'm a Virgo ♍️

5. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- As of now, I wanna be a doctor. Not sure what type, but probably a pediatrician.

6. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
- Well, I've done a lot of embarrassing things. Enough for a lifetime. But I was walking to class and I was saying bad things as I walked past a teacher. But I didn't realize it until my friends started giggling and looking at me with wide eyes. So I turned around and the teacher was giving me a weird look.. Oops...

7. What's the most hilarious thing you've ever done?
- I don't understand this question but.. I once (actually, every day) trip over some invisible form of life. (Yeah. I'm pathetic.)

8. Are you in any clubs? If so, what clubs? If not, what would you like to be in?
- I'm in the Science Olympiad club from September to March. I once did Turkish Conversation but I had to quit because of S.O. I'm also in CMP.

9. Do you hate me? If so, what did I do...? If not, what is something that I can do so that you can make you hate me?
- I had to reread this question 5 times in order to get it. I don't hate you... Yet. Well, you could piss me off and be an ignorant person who only cares about themselves. Or you could be a person who pretends to be my friend.
| I have standards -- don't judge |

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