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I've thought about this for quite some time now, and I want to start this book over. I'm not sure if I want to unpublish it and keep it in my library, or to just delete it overall.

This book has so many loopholes, and it's kinda difficult to go through, reread and change because when you change one thing, it causes a chain reaction so you have to change everything else.

Another thing- should I rewrite this whole story? I really don't like how it turned out and everything was immature and overall nasty.

Please let me know!

xx sandy ➰

UPDATE |12.30.16|

I'm not going to be writing another TMI fanfict anytime soon. I will write another one- I promised y'all that. But I don't think I'm ready for that again, so it'll be a while.


I want to thank everyone for being on this ride with me. I'm not a frequent updater so thank you to those who have stayed since the beginning.

I love you all so much & I'm so glad you took time to read this.

❤️ ~ sandy

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