Chapter 12

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Clary's POV

I wake up and instantly feel a pounding in my head. I bring my hands out to rub my head, only to notice that they were bound tightly to a wooden chair in the middle of a dimly lighted room. In the corner sat a queen-sized bed with roses embroidering the sheets with matching pillows.

Off to my right is a door, probably a bathroom. To my left is another door, this one probably a door that leads to the hallway or the outside. In front of me is a walk-in closet with the door open, with rows upon rows and hangers upon hangers of dresses, skirts, shirts, and accessories.

The door to my left opens. I whip my head around to see Valentine, my dearest father come in and shut the door quietly behind him. He clasps his hands together and begins walking towards me.

"So, Clarissa. Tell me how your pathetic little friends are doing." He spits, his face changing into one that shows disgust.

"And why would you like to know?" I snarled.

He smirked. "Well, in about," he pauses, flicking his wrist to see a golden watch with a sliver band, "a few hours, take or give a few, they're about to wake up and realize you're not there. So, why they're frantically running around trying to find you, I'll send in Endarkened Warriors to make them drink from the Mortal Cup."

I gasped. That's horrible! "Okay, let's make a deal here Pops. You don't touch them, and I'll do anything you say." It was quite a deal really, risking my life to save more than 1 other.

He tsks. "No can do, Clarissa. Because you're already under my spell." His hand juts out, a dark syringe in his hands. I feel a sharp pain in my neck before I slouch over and my vision darkens.

Jace's POV

I'm standing outside of Clary's door, wanting to talk to her about what happened last night. I hesitantly raise my hand to knock, but pull it back down. It's not often you see Jace Herondale hesitate. I love Clary so much that it hurts. I don't want to mess anything up, as I want to add another person to the Herondale family.

I decided to go for it anyways, and knock.

No answer. I knock again.

Still no answer.

I twist the knob, finding that it's open, and it feels like my heart is torn out of my chest.

Clary never leaves her door unlocked.

I rush in, gasping for breath as if I'd slaughtered demons before I came. Her blankets are thrown on the floor, and I see a patch of black fabric on the ground. I call Alec. "ALEC!"

He rushes in, his eyes wide and looks at me. "What? What happened?" He asked.

"Clary's gone," I say numbly, pointing towards the empty spot on her bed.

Alec mutters a few colorful words under his breath. He runs his hands through his hair and says, exasperated, "Again?"

I nod. "Alright, I'll get Magnus." He turns to leave, but I stop him. "Wait. I found this on the floor," I say, handing him the patch. "Ask Magnus if he could identify whose this is." He nods and leaves the room.

I pray. To the Angel Raziel, I hope that Clary's okay. She's the love of my life and I honestly don't know what I'd do without her. She gave me life again, when Valentine killed me-  I paused.


Sorry for the short update guys, but I'll have another chapter up by next Tuesday. Testing has been stressful, but luckily I only have 2 more.

Shoutout to illumxnaughty for voting on all of my chapters (😉) and for being an awesome *cough* person.

Question of the Chapter: Are you excited for Shadowhunters Season 2?

Answer of the Chapter: YASSS!

** I might be doing a Get to Know the Author so leave some questions down below.

Another thing- 2K GUYS! Thank you all for being so supportive! I checked last night and I kept freaking out. I don't want to spend so much time about this, but just THANK YOU! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Mizpah! ➰💟⭐️

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