(8) Bakugo Katsuki: Jealous

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We entered the cafeteria then line up to get our food. The three of us went to our usual spot with the other gang. I was always in the middle of Iida and Uraraka and the one who's in front of me was Todoroki-kun.

As I was eating, I kept looking at him. Todoroki-kun has always this amazed expression whenever he eats. It really made me curious why he's doing that. It's like it's his first time eating a food of the outside world.

My thoughts halted when Todoroki-kun's mismatched eyes suddenly gazed at me.

"What are you looking at, Midoriya?" He questions, normally.

"Uh, well..." I stutter and was averting my eyes every where just not on his that were intently looking at me.

"It's just... you always have this happy face whenever you eat here... t-that's all."

"Oh, that. To tell you the truth, I have never eaten outside food made by other people other than the maids in our house. I was not allowed to eat outside food so I never knew what other foods taste like so I was amazed that this tasted new and good."

"Che, rich kid." I heard Uraraka muttered on my side.

I glanced on her and she had this serious face while grumbling on eating her food. I just let out a small chuckle as I could really relate to her situation.

I looked down on my food, which is a simple stuffed burger.

"Todoroki-kun," I showed him it; "want to taste this? That is if you haven't tasted this yet..."

"I can?"

I nodded and he was just about to reach it out to have a bite when out of no where a hand snatched the burger off of my grasp. My eyes widens and I turned my head on my back where the owner of the hand was.

My eyes glance up to those familiar red eyes that were glaring at me daggers.

"Ka-kacchan, that's my--" my words stopped in my throat as Kacchan ignored me then walks away eating it.

Uraraka and Iida looked at me with wonder of what just happened. I gave them a shrug to just ignore it. Well, there goes my lunch. Can't argue any further if Kacchan's the one who did that. Anyway, why did he do that?

I flinched when I heard a chair clattering. I returned my attention to Todoroki-kun who was standing up with a pissed expression.

"Um, Todoroki-kun... it's fine."

I tried to assure him and reasoned that I'm used to Kacchan's ways and besides... it's his favorite-not. Todoroki-kun looked dissatisfied with I said but he gave in and sat back down.

The lunch time ended and Kacchan didn't even spared me even a single glance during the class or whenever we cross paths in the hallways. This got me worried. Usually, even we don't say a word to each other, we'd still make eye contact somehow. And I knew Kacchan saw my presence when we're near to each other still he didn't look at me nor gave an insult!

This is not Kacchan, at all.

The school hours has finally ended and I have decided to talk with him. He'd better say what's wrong or the lunch I should have consumed will be gone to waste.

As always, Kacchan's always walking ahead and I was few distance away from him. When I thought we're a little far now from the school, I started to close our distance, slowly. Kacchan must have noticed what I'm doing and sped up his pace. I close our distance again, trying to match his pace, but he stared running away and I felt a vein popped in my temple.

"Kacchan!! Wait for me!" I cursed as I ran at full speed just to catch up to him.

We passed my house but I didn't mind about that now. Kacchan is honestly getting on my nerves. But I have to confront him first before I get angry at him.

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