Chapter Thirty-One - Angels

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Chapter thirty-one – Angels


It's crazy knowing that Reiss is going to live at father's house. Honestly, just when you think all the possible events that could happen have occurred, another one happens. It's still a shock hearing about Clover and Marco. The way she told the story has left me speechless; I can't believe all of that happened to her.

At this moment in time we're just arriving home. Father said Reiss could be settled in his home by tonight, as long as he gets his things together and everything. It's going to feel funny having one less person in my house, but at least father will have extra company. Father's happiness will always come before my own.

"Have you got everything, Uncle?" Michael asks Reiss, grabbing his jacket from the coat rack and handing it to him. "And here's your jacket."

"Yeah, I think I got everything now kid. It's been great spending time here with you both; I've really enjoyed it." He then walks up to me, resting both hands on my shoulders. "Citria, you're a godsend for everything you've done – for both Michael and me. Bless you, kid."

A smile starts to form on my face. "It's no worry, Reiss. We'll come see you some time; we go to see father and Clover very often, now."

"I'll look forward to seeing you," he answers, quickly kissing my cheek in appreciation and farewell. "Now, keep being that amazing girl you are, okay?" With this comment, he winks, to indicate he's being playful.

"I'll try," I chuckle, watching as he walks over to Michael.

"Michael, I guess I'll see you soon." He then whispers something into Michael's ear, so that I can't hear it, but when he pulls away, Michael seems to be smiling. He then looks at both of us in general. "Right, I better be off then. See you both soon."

Michael and I both wave as he heads out the door, closing it behind him. Feeling the sudden silence around us, I exhale loudly to shatter it a little. After this, Michael looks at me, the smile from when Reiss whispered in his ear still going strong on his face.

"What are you smiling at?" I question, grinning in amusement. "What did Reiss tell you?"

His smile dissolves into a smirk, as he too chuckles. "If I was supposed to tell you, he wouldn't have whispered it, would he?" Then, with no other words, he walks out the hallway, into the living room.

Of course, I follow him in there, finding him sitting on the sofa. Joining him, I find the remote and switch the television on, to try and find a programme that will most-likely be switched off again because we'll start another deep conversation. That always seems to happen to us, now. Eventually, I find a home video show, leaving it on for Michael. It's funny how they always seem to be playing, no matter what time of day we turn the TV on.

"Aw, yes!" Michael suddenly perks up, his eyes quickly becoming fixated on the screen. He watches intently, and this goes on for a few minutes, until he starts to laugh loudly. "Ha! Dude on TV just fell off his snow ski and landed on a snow man."

"Michael ... I'm watching the same thing as you. I can see what's happening on the screen," I remark jokily.

He, however, sees it differently to a joke. "Sarcasm levels, Citria! What's gotten into you today?" He laughs, shaking his head in mock disapproval, his eyes flitting to me. "And using it on your own boyfriend, too. How harsh."

"It wasn't sarcasm. It was a joke. Now can we cuddle?" I plead, pouting a little to try and appear cute.

His eyes are back on the TV, so my pout is pretty much pointless. This proves itself when he answers. "Hmm, not sure. After all, what kind of person is rewarded with cuddles after being sarcastic, huh?"

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