Chapter Twenty-Nine - Never Let Go

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Chapter twenty-nine – Never Let Go


-The following morning-

-Citria's point of view-

So, after settling Reiss into our home yesterday, and Michael recovering from the initial shock of discovering him alive, we've decided that today, we're going to go and visit Clover and father, so they can meet Reiss. If he's planning to stay in this area for the rest of his life, then he might as well get to know who he'll be living with. And besides, perhaps father can help in terms of vacant homes – he's lived here longer than me, so he probably knows the place better than I do.

Michael told me about what he and Reiss spoke about yesterday, before Reiss took his nap. Apparently, I was being complimented by the both of them – I find that really cute. You know someone really cares for you when they compliment you and you're not present. At least, that's what I've always thought.

At this moment in time, we're all finishing up breakfast. Unsurprisingly, Michael finished way before Reiss and I – in fact, he's been waiting for us to finish for over ten minutes. How he manages to eat so fast is beyond me. He keeps giving playful looks of impatience; checking his watch to make us all laugh. It's certainly working.

"My God, how can you eat so slowly?" he laughs, rolling his eyes upwards in mock boredom. "I mean, c'mon, you've been like a half hour!"

My eating speed is normal, until I see Michael looking at me; then, I purposely slow down, simply to annoy him. "Problem, Michael?" I chuckle, only nibbling at my toast, now. "Is this the new habit of yours, now? Asking what takes so long to eat?"

"Yeah, kid. Leave us be!" Reiss pipes up jokily, eating another spoonful of cereal. "It's not like we're going anywhere important today ... is it?"

"We're going to my father's house, if that counts for anything." I swallow a bite of toast, turning my attention from Michael to his uncle. "But apart from that, it's pretty much a free day."

"Ah, right." He nods in understanding, sitting back in his chair whilst he takes the last couple spoonfuls of food. "Well, that's cute. Do you get on good with your dad?"

"Yes; very good, actually. Ever since my mother died, we've been a lot different."

Although discussing the topic of my mother saddens me, I keep a forced smile on my face. A moment later, I feel Michael's hand touch the top of my leg, rubbing it gently in sympathy. My eyes move up to his, seeing that he's close to tears just because of my sudden shift in emotion. Clearing my throat, I look to Reiss to get his reaction.

"Aw, I'm sorry about your mom, kid. But hey, you gotta look on the bright side: she's with all the other angels in Heaven, and I know for sure that she's looking down on you right now, proud as anything that you're her daughter." Reiss smiles at me, in attempt to get me smiling more genuinely in return.

"I like to think so, to be honest," I answer softly, shifting my gaze to the table to avoid any kind of eye contact with either of them. "I try my hardest."

"Hell, you do. She'd love to see you now. Betcha." Reiss sets his cutlery down, bowing his head so that he can look at me clearer. "I mean, you're a wonderful girl. Michael's lucky to have you."

"Don't over-sell me, hey, Uncle?" Michael remarks. His tone is serious because he's obviously in no mood to be too hyper, but his words are clearly jokey, so Reiss chuckles in reaction. I, on the other hand, simply smile. I don't feel like laughing right now.

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