Chapter 6- The Two Warriors

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Ryoma and Ayame broke serve, and Ayame served this time. She hit a Twist Serve, but instead of bouncing at the face, it bounced in the opposite direction.

'Ryoma may be able to do a regular Twist Serve,'she thought'but I could do a backwards Twist just like Ryoga.'

Ayame held serve by hitting Twist Serves forward and backward at random. As they changed courts, Ayame wanted to speak to Ryoma before the next round began.

"Ryoma," she started. "Are you good at net play?"

"Yeah," he replied.

"Given the way how we play right now, we might miss a few balls. First off, I want to get some of the balls, but the problem is that I might run into you. So, for every time the ball is served, do you mind if you play at the net and I play at the baseline? I'll cover any balls that go past you... if they go out of your reach."

"Fine by me."

As the match when on, Ryoma had been playing at the net while Ayame played at the baseline. For every ball Ryoma missed, Ayame covered for him. However, one ball went too far for either freshmen to reach.

"We've got you!" one of the high schoolers shouted.

Ryoma smirked, and suddenly Ayame appeared to teleport from one end of the court to the other and she reached the ball. The high schoolers were too stunned to return it.

"F-fast!" one of them stuttered.

"Ninja Dash," Ayame said.

'Ninja Dash...'Ryoma's thoughts ran.'Ayame kicks off the ground and explodes into a dash that's faster than the human eye. Her leg strength allows her to move that quickly since she kept kicking the damn old man her whole life. She can cover the entire court by herself with that move. It does not cause any burden on her legs, so she can use it at ease.'

Ayame and Ryoma easily defeated the high schoolers.

"Mada mada dane," Ryoma said.

'Its been a long while since I've last heard that phrase', Ayame thought.

"Damn you brats..." one of the high schoolers cursed.

"If you want to make it physical, I'll gladly do it," Ayame said while giving out her most fierce look that would've killed them if looks could kill.

She raised her racket as if she was using it as a sword to slice. The high schoolers got terrified and ran.

"Now that that's over with..." Ayame said, packing away her racket. "Why're you here, Ryoma?"

"Your dad asked me to deliver something to you," Ryoma answered. "I searched around town for you."

"Sugoi!" one of the elementary schoolers shouted before Ayame could ask Ryoma what he was delivering.

Ayame and Ryoma looked to see the elementary schools looking at them admiringly.

"Sorry, what were you here for?" Ayame asked Ryoma again.

"You forgot your cell phone," Ryoma answered as he dug it out of his tennis bag.

"Oh yeah, I forgot! Arigatou!"

"So what were you doing all the way out here?"

"I was taking a walk. I saw these kids getting bullied. I know how it feels to get bullied so I went to help."


"When did you get here? When I finally saw you, you were coming to my defense."

"I arrived here when you hit a Twist Serve at one of those guys. And when you kicked one of them really hard."


"So why were you taking a walk?"

"It's kinda not every day you get to take a walk without worry. America's kinda dangerous for walking alone. Especially if you're still a kid."

Ayame and Ryoma walked out of the tennis courts together. Ayame then saw a vending machine, and she went over to it and bought some cherry Ponta. Ryoma sees this and also buys himself a grape Ponta. The two friends drank the Ponta they bought together.

'Every time I drink some Ponta with him, it always feels like something is missing,'Ayame thought.'Back then, Ryoga'd be with us, and the three of us would drink orange juice together... Does he still remember Ryoga? ... Probably not. Given that he forgot how we met, it's most likely that he forgot Ryoga...'

"Why are you staring at me?" Ryoma asked.

Ayame snapped back to reality. "Huh? Oh, sorry. It's nothing."

The two went back home together.

"Well, till next time," Ayame said.

"Bye," Ryoma said.

The Kunoichi of Tennis (by DaPsionicFox)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang