Chapter 19: Will's POV.

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"She slept with you?" I could now see the worried sparks behind his blue eyes. He got everything wrong.

"No, no. Yesterday night after everything that happened with the fight, I took her into my room where she changed into one of my shirts. I was outside Chris, while she was changing, I was outside." A breath of relief escaped him.

He took a huge gulp of his juice like he was trying to wash down bad memories. "You should call Blake."

"Yes I am planning on calling her right now, I have missed her-"

"It is not about that Will , she was here this morning and she met Gina, in your T-shirt. To cut the story short she is mad because Gina gave out the impression that both of you are a thing now. She was broken Will. Kind of the way you were when Gina broke things off."

Chris kept talking but all I heard were the voices in my head telling me what to do next. I can't loose her. I have finally found the one and Gina ruined everything.

"What are you going to do?" Chris said calmly like he was picturing himself in my shoes.

"Try and talk to her is all I can think of."


"I have to try, she has to believe me. You did believe me right?" I wasn't believing what I was selling either.

"I think they are staying over the same place they were last time " Chris offered his help.

I picked up the keys that were on the counter and dashed out of the house with no second thought. I had to get to her before she moved to a place where I can't find her. She needs to get my side of the story. She needs to know that I had nothing to do with Gina and she was all I wanted.

"Be careful." Chris shouted from the door as I backed from the driveway.

The drive was long, she never stayed that far away from where I was. This is annoying. She was always close by. Every turn I took I kept on this king about the worst, she would be gone by now. My Blake would be gone and with a bad idea. Why was she here anyway ? She never told me she was coming back. She had only been away for a week.

I pulled over her apartment driveway and uneasiness settled in my stomach. There was no car in the drive way. My eyes darted to her door that I knew far too well and it looked locked. I gathered up the little strength I had left and ran up the stairs to her door.

After knocking a few times with every knock holding my breath I settled for the reception area for information.

"Can I help you?" The browned eyed lady at the desk asked with her hands typing away on the keyboard in front of her. She had a friendly smile with nice red nail polish that went well with her navy blue suit. Her hair was nicely held into a low tucked bun.

"The ladies in room 45 are they still here?"

She looked at her screen for a bit then turned back to me, "How are you related to any of them?"

I looked at her Nate tag and knew it would be easy to convince her if I called her by her name. "Eve, my girlfriend and her friend live there. Blake and Judy. I am Will, Blake's boyfriend. I have been here a couple of times."

She smiled, " I have seen you here before." Her face went to a disappointed one, "I am sorry though, but I can't help you. What I can say is that they are not here at the moment." She handed me a piece of paper. "Please fill the paper with all your information we need it for security purposes."

"Where are they?" I felt my anger rise at the situation.

"I don't know and even if I did I have a feeling with your tone I wouldn't help you sir. Are you going to fill the papers or should I call security on you?" She got serious.

I took the piece of paper and headed to the empty lobby where I filled every last bit if information. Once done I took it back to the desk and made my way to the car. My mind definitely disoriented and the fact that I couldn't get anything from Eve didn't help my situation.

I picked my phone and dialed  her number and after two rings it went on line busy. This went on for a twenty minutes before going on a switched off and not reachable mode. My only help was Judy.

I dialed her number and after two rings an angry Judy picked up. "The nerve.."

"I need to talk to Blake please." The pleading in my voice was evident.

"She doesn't want to talk to you I mean what you did.." She whispered at me. Blake has no idea she is talking to me.

"Listen Judy, I didn't sleep with Gina, you know how she is. She made the whole thing up. I can't do that to her. I love her." I really do love her. " Gina simply took a low highway  and used it. I can't ever cheat on Blake."

She spoke after a long pause,"What's your plan now because Blake is furious and ..." She cut herself.

"Try and and help me little bit. I will come to your house. Today. That's where you are right?"

"No Will, we are heading back to the coast. She can't take it here. She doesn't want to see you."

"Can't you stall till I get there?"

"I can't Will. Just work on it. I will try to get her see your side but I need the full story from you."

I rubbed my temples feeling a headache start to creep in, " OK. When will you guys be back?"

"I don't know" the way she said it was more of even if we come back I doubt she would want you to know. "I will see what I can do Will. See you soon".

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