Chapter 10 Sister Bonding

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My sister is sitting at the foot of her bed looking really serious, I have a smirk placed upon my lips cause shes too funny. Her medium length blonde hair up in a pony tail while her dress covers only a little bit of her small frame. The weird thing about my sister is that she has green eyes, neither of my parents have green eyes. My auburn hair is in a long braid down my back and my sweats and tank match my feeling for the day, pathetic.

"He likes you, I am telling you," she says again.

"I don't think so," I say again.

This conversation has been going on for the last ten minutes, she wont drop the subject. She thinks Alec likes me or that he wants to hook up. Which maybe the hook up part might be right but even if it was I am not that type of girl. She may be that kind of girl, but me, not so much.

"Honestly Ana, he totes likes you, and you playing this hard to get roll, even if you aren't meaning it he likes it, he likes you," she says standing up walking to her closet.

"No he doesn't," I say but I'm not even convinced.

"So I have an idea, and its selfish on my part, but its beneficial for you too," she says from her closet.

"What is it?" I ask out of curiosity.

"We go to a party and you snog the first guy you see," she says walking out throwing a black dress at me.

"Snog?" I say laughing at her and looking at the dress, "What is this for?"

"Were you not listening put it on," she has a tight rose pink dress on, it looks really tight on her and it has a bow in the back and looks like it is taped to her back due to an open back.

I strip right there and put on the black dress, its a pale black sleeveless dress below the breast and on the left lower corner on my stomach there is a lace cut out so you can see parts of my skin. The lace is covered in black flowers. it covers my butt, only slightly, if I bent over you would see everything.

"I look foolish," I say looking down.

"No you look confident," she says pulling me into her personal bathroom making me sit on the toilet seat.

I feel like I am the little sister. She applies an ample amount of makeup on my face. I hope she doesn't make me look stupid. She takes out my braid and flattens my hair with a straightener. I just look around at her bathroom. It is a small bathroom, simple tub and shower and one sink. a big mirror though that I remember my dad payed to get it installed.

"Why are we doing this again?" I ask looking at her.

"So you can get the hang of talking to guys and being confident," she says like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Oh," is all I say, "Can Leila come?" I ask, she nods.

"Done!" she says with a smile.

"Ill be back," I say walking past the mirror not even looking at myself.

I walk into room and out into the hall, I go to my room and grab black heels that have a lace effect on them, my mom bought them but I've never had a chance to wear them. I walk back into the hall and hear a door open and knock on Leila's door. It takes her awhile to answer but when she does her tired eyes go wide. Ignoring her facial expression.

"Get dressed, we are going out," I say.

I have never been this forward but my sister is right I don't know how to get men's attention and tonight I am going to get someone's attention.

"Yes ma'am, wow Ana you look hot!" She expresses loudly, making me blush, I look to the left side to see Alec in the hall but I ignore him.

"Hurry," I say and she turns and disappears, same with Alec.

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