Chapter 6 New Perspectives

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Alec's POV

I'm sitting in the car with this girl, she is taking me to her job, I love messing with her, she's easy to push to the limit and she's incredibly naive. Don't get me wrong she's totally cute but that's all she is, cute.

I was surprised when she scared me, her hair is what makes her hot, it brings sex appeal. Even though I'd never tell her, she is quite attractive.

I look over at her to see that she's concentrated on the road. I stare at her for awhile till we get to this building that looks like a bar and we park in the back, she really is a stripper. That's classic I think to myself while chuckling a little. She looks over at me giving me this look that I cant even describe, its like she's getting mad at me for judging her, but also begging me not to judge her.

Come on! She's a stripper which makes her a slut in my eyes, which makes me wonder how she is so innocent like if she dances for guys and yet she hasnt hit on me yet. Why do I care if she thinks I'm attractive or not.

"Let's go," she says then stopping mid walk and turns to me, "If anyone asks you're with me everyone calls me Ana here okay."

I nod even though she's not looking, the tone in her voice kinda scares me. We get up to this black dude and he smiles at her, he is probably her pimp. I laugh a little till he steps in front of me. I instantly stop laughing and look at him throwing my hands up in defense.

"He's with me," I hear my savior call out, its Ana.

"Yeah I'm with her," I say pointing at her.

The black man grunts and moves to the side, I have a feeling he thinks I am trouble.

Which I am, I smirk walking past him.

"Go that way, I am on next so just, I don't know, sit there," she says while taking her clothes off.

I walk out from back stage to see tons of people sitting at tables, kinda like a comedy show. I walk around and notice that no one is being carded at the bar area so I walk up and ask for a drink. He looks down at my hands and since I walked in from the back I don't have anything on my hands indicating I'm not 21. He gives me what I ordered and I smirk, that was too easy. I look for a place to sit and I wait for her to come out.

This is a strange strip club. It's reserved, not flashy. The lights dim down and weird music comes on and I see a girl with what looks like blonde hair come out in a crazy colored tutu. She does a weird bendy thing like Ana did when I first met her and like she did not to long ago. I winder how good she would be in bed, I think smirking. Maybe coming to little Ohio wasn't such a bad idea. She faces the crowd and bends over backwards then lifts her legs in the air showing off her thong, and a nice ass. She then does the splits in the air and everyone is cheering and cat calling. She does a few more racy moves and loses most of her clothing that is when it hits me that is Ana. Wow, she has a nice ass, I think while almost choking on my drink.

Everyone claps and that includes me, I guess I'm supposed to wait for her so I watch some of the other girls. I notice the other girls have a sexier act while hers was more comical. Finally I feel a hand on ny shoulder and I turn to see her in her make up, her wig gone and replaced with her natural long hair. She really is beautiful, just nit my type. I have this image a.d she would ruin it.

"Ready to go?" She whispers in my ear.

I nod in response and stand up, we start walking to the exit when she stops, she looks panicked and the girl looks over at her and smirks like a bitch, she walks over.

"Are you ready for auditions Annaleeze?" The bitch asks looking at Ana.

"That's not my name," Ana mumbles.

This behavior caught me off guard, she always talks back to me. Instantly I don't like this girl. I may not like Ana but she's a nice person, I owe it to her to show her my appreciation for letting me stay at her studio.

"What was that? I couldn't tell what you were saying, maybe you should be mor-" she continued and now I was livid.

"Hey don't talk to my girl like that," I said getting in front of Ana in a protective stance, I can't stand watching her not stick up for herself.

"Oh wow, how did you get this hottie to be your man?" She asks Ana while checking me out.

"Does it matter?" I ask, because in all honestly the girls with all the confidence would be something I'd usually be attracted to back home. Maybe I'd give this girl a try but right now I'm sticking up for Ana.

Ana's POV

"Well when you get bored of her, you know where to find me," she said winking at him.

I couldn't believe he was sticking up for me. I just looked up at the two of them. Madison walked away and tried to sway her hips in a sexy way but it really wasn't that sexy. I expected Alec to be looking at her but when I turned he was looking at me, I couldn't read his face but it wasn't bad.

"Let's go," he says grabbing my hand and interlocking our fingers.

I look at him shocked but he just winks at me and I realize its because Madison is watching. I smile a sad smile and we walk to the exit. When we get to my car he opens up my car door and I get in.

Sitting in the car I look over at him, his hand holding his head as heeans against the window.

"Thank you," I say looking at him.

he looks at me and sighs, "don't mention it," he says looking back out the window.

I wish I knew what was going on in his head.

We drive in silence till he coughs. I look over at him and he looks like he wants to say something.

"What?" I ask looking between him and the road.

"What did she mean by auditions?" he asked looking at his phone.

Is he really curious about my life, I wonder for a second and then remember I still need to answer his question.

"It's a long story," I say now focused on the road, I turn up the music.

He turns it down after the song finishes.

"I have time," he says.

I hesitate for a moment but give in.

"Im tired of being the funny act and I wanna be one of the other acts but some of the other girls make fun of me because I don't know how to be," I pause looking over and I see him staring, "sexy."

He smirks looking over at me then his window and then starts laughing and I smack him on his knee and he just keeps laughing at me, kinda hurts a little.

"You really don't, but you have great stage presence, maybe I could help you," he says still laughing at me.

"Maybe," I say looking at him.

We arrive at the studio and I drop him off. He sits there and looks at me. He is debating if he wants to say something and he looks at me.

"Im serious, tomorrow you start your sexy training," he says looking very serious.

"I have school and I have home work," I say trying to make an excuse.

He really can't be serious about this.

"You come almost every night, I'm sure you'll be fine," he says slamming the door and walking away.

I wave him off and head home. What a night. I can't wait to get home and sleep. I hope he isn't serious about the sexy training, I have a feeling he is though, even if I need it, I don't want it......

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