Chapter 3 Friend or Foes

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I woke up the next morning before my alarm; again. The mornings are usually the same but I'm more eager to get to the studio to talk to that boy. I am laying in bed staring at my ceiling. Last night I went back to the studio and he wasn't there. But that's okay, right? He probably wont go back, I hope, but he does have my key.

My alarm went off and I roll over to turn it off. I quickly got out of my bed and headed straight to the bathroom. I put my hair up in a bun like I normally to and did my make-up. I can hear my phone vibrating but I ignore it. I look in the mirror and notice that there is a bruise on my shoulder, also ignoring it I walk back to my room. Philip, my brother is sitting on my bed, his golden brown hair all messy from sleep. His golden eyes look tired. I don't think I have seen my brother up this early, not since since last year. He graduated last June.

He is an amazing big brother, me and him have always gotten along. I think thats what my parents expected with my sister and I but we just cant seem to get a long.

"What's up bub?" I ask walking past him on my way to my closet. My back to him.

"Sis, I'm scared," he says.

I quickly turn to him to him, his head is in his hands, his elbows are on his knees. He looks broken, destroyed. I walk to him and I kneel in front of him. Looking closely I can see the tear stains down his face. His eyes aren't tired they are puffy. I have never seen my brother cry, never. Well except that time when he broke his arm falling from the tree when he was 6.

"Whats wrong?" I ask quietly, expecting him to answer.

Instead he cries more and pulls me into a hug, like a 3 year old hugging a teddy bear. I let him cry on me, I dont know what has him so distraught. He holds me for about 10 minutes before letting go. We pull away and his eyes are so red. He must have been crying a lot, his eyes are dried out.

"Kayla is pregnant," he whispers.

I'm speechless. Kayla is my brothers long term girlfriend, they have been dating since freshman year. She is an amazing person, perfect for my brother. But her being pregnant affects a lot. My brother wants to go to college and be a lawyer like our father, but dad said if he had a kid, if any of us had a kids before we went to college that he wouldn't pay for anything. If he doesn't agree with your choices, he is completely against it, my father is a strict man, but I've seen his softer side a few times.

"Philip," I start, but I don't get a chance to finish because he cuts me off.

"She just found out, she is 7 weeks pregnant," he says falling back on my bed.

"What are you going to do?" I ask looking at him.

"I don't know Anna," he says. He pauses, then starts again. "Is it wrong if I want her to abort it?" He asks raising his hands to his head.

"God Im so stupid!" He yells, making me flinch.

"I don't think you're thinking straight Phil," I mumble, I'm pro choice, but he is being a little selfish.

"Am I?" He asks.

"Well Philip be logi-" I start but he quickly cuts me off.

"Logical?! Whats logical about this Ana, shes going to ruin my future, our future! The future I wanted to start with her!!" He yells abruptly sitting up, "ruined..," he trails of falling back on the bed.

looking over at the clock I see that school indeed starts in about 20 minutes. Great, I'm going to be late to school, and no morning practice.

"It's not all her fault," I state,"it is you're fault too, you know that."

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