Chapter 9 Audition

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I'm standing back stage waiting for the auditions to start, I am beyond nervous, I'm not even sure if I can go through with this. Alec said he thinks I can do it and that's what matters right now. Someone believing in me. It's my groups time to audition and I'm beyond nervous.

I get on the stage with my group and notice most of them don't look like dancers so it should be easy. The girl who is being replaced smiles at me and winks. She put me with this group on purpose. The instructor starts the dance and we are supposed to copy him. He does some feminine stuff and some girls are laughing at him, but I take it seriously. After about five minutes of dancing he stops and asks us to leave.

I walk off stage and run up to Alec who is drinking by the bar.

"Did you see that I was good!" I say looking at him.

"Yeah you were okay," he says back to me making me grunt.

"Well you aren't supposed to be drinking," I say crossing my arms.

He raises his eye brows and smirks, "that's the best you got?" He asks.

I shrug his comment off when I hear a voice behind me calling my name. I see Stella there with a big smile on her lips. I also feel Alec shift. 

"Hey, you were Amazing out there, I put in a good word, I would love for you to replace me," Stella says smiling.

"Thank you, that means a lot to me," I say smiling and looking at the ground, Stella is really sweet.

"I also have another question for you," she says looking over at Alec and then back at me.

"Sure, whats up?" I ask looking at her.

"If you aren't too busy this summer I'm looking for someone to help me with my classes and I think you could be a good addition, with your classical background, I was wondering if you might be interested," She says looking back at Alec and raising an eye brow and adds, "I am also having a baby shower in January and since this is my last week here I wanna invite you now," she says smirking.

I know exactly why she added that, Alec was probably making googly eyes at her. He is such a jerk to females, I smirk at her.

"Yes to both, I am sure I can do something this summer, as for the baby shower I will be there for sure," I say turning to Alec who looks confused and sad. I laugh at him and turn to tell Stella I'll talk to her later but one of the other girls pulled her aside to talk to her.

"Are you ready to go?" I ask Alec and he nods walking off mad.

I sigh and follow him.  


 After we got home we went our separate ways, I don't know what his deal is. I walk into the kitchen and see my sister looking in the fridge for food, I don't know if I should ignore her but I just walk past her. I don't know why she is so rude to me.

"Hey sis," she says calmly looking at me over her shoulder, I grunt in response.

She sighs and leaves the kitchen with an apple, no wonder shes so skinny she doesn't eat. I open the pantry and look for something to eat, I find my favorite cereal, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, I pour myself a bowl and sit at the table and eat silently. Leila comes walking into the kitchen and walks into the dinning room to sit next to me.

"Are we still going to Gary's party?" I ask her, I've never been to a party but I am kinda excited.

"Yeah if you're up to it," she says looking past me  into the kitchen then at me.

"I wanna go," I say looking at my bowl, maybe I can get over Alec and the connection I thought was there.

"You ever been to a party?" She asks smirking. I shake my head no and stand up.

My bowl is empty and I walk to the kitchen to see Alec is there eating an apple. I ignore him and put my bowl in the dish washer after I rinse it off. I walk out of the kitchen and through the house and up the stairs and I see my brother is in his room so I walk in, he never did tell me what his news was.

I knock on the door and he looks over at me from the computer.

"Come in," he says looking back at the computer.

I sit on his bed and look around the room, he has a guitar in the corner that he only plays every once in a while.

"What did you have to tell me?" I ask looking at him.

He turns and smiles at me, he gets up and walks to the door and shuts it, I don't know why but I'm a little nervous about what he has to say.

"I got accepted to Washington University!" He says grabbing an envelope off the table.

I jump up and scream, that's his dream school.

"Oh my god are you serious?!" I say jumping up and down on his bed and he laughs nodding his head yes. 

That's great, its perfect. For him, even if its in Washington state, he deserves this.

"And guess who did too," he says looking down at the floor.

"Kayla?" I ask.

He looks up and sad smiles and nods. I smile and sit back down.

"Now you guys can both live in Seattle together, and live your dream," I say trying to be positive.

He sighs and sits on the bed.

"We are gonna go, you are the only one who knows about the baby," he says looking at me.

"I'll keep your secret," I say looking at his back. He is brave, to lie to mom and dad.

"Kayla and I are going to a doctors today, so I'll talk to you later, okay?" He says getting up, I nod even if he cant see it and get up to leave his room.

"Ana," he says, I turn to face him, Ill miss him when he leaves, "Thank you." 

I smile and nod again, "anytime," and I leave my room, I need to find Leila anyway.

I walk to her room to see her on her bed on the phone, I'll talk to her later.

I turn and almost run into my sister. Oops.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"It's fine," she says smiling, whats her problem.

I try to walk around her but she stops me.

"Can we talk?" She asks looking down at the ground.

"Sure?" I say confused, she turns and walks to her room and I follow.

Her room is pink and has a plush white carpet, but its a pink theme. Confused I stand there in the middle of her room, what does she want?

"I need advice," she says sitting on her bed.

"What kind of advice?" I ask, this is weird.

"Okay, not me, you need advice," she states looking up at me.

"I need advice?" I ask her, what is she saying?

Shes crazy, and annoying.

"Yes, you do," she says shaking her head.

"On what?" I ask in amusement.

"Shut the door," she demands, so I do.

I look around her room, I've never really been in here. I walk over to her desk and sit in her chair, I look out her window to see the front part of the house. She has a nice view, kinda like me, but I see the back part and our property.

"So what advice do I need?" I ask looking out the window.

"The boy kind," she responds. 

My head snaps in her direction and I feel my face burn up. She cant be serious. Shouldn't the little sister be asking the big sister for boy advice, I'm not even asking shes telling me that I need it. What the hell?!

"I do not need boy advice," I say loudly making her laugh.

"So defensive," she says with a smile.

Sighing, what the hell, lets hear what she has to say. This should be funny, right?

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