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You were an amazing dancer.

This is a Kirtsen Dodgen best moments video. In this imagine i picture myself being as good as her, just looking like myself.

You had just been on tour with Rihanna for 8 months and it had been the most amazing experience EVER. BUT... It had also been really hard. You had to be away from your amazing boyfriend Johannes Nymark. Of course you had been home a couple of times, and he actually surprised you by coming to New York the night you had to perform in Madison Square Garden, but other than that you had only been seeing each other over Skype.

For pictures of Johannes, look at the bottom!

Johannes was one of Denmark's most famous actresses. He had been in a couple of movies, but he definitely enjoyed performing live the most. Just like you🍀 Therefore he enacted in musicals the most. Right now he was practising for "Hairspray" which was going to be played in Tivoli. One of Denmark's biggest tourist attractions. It was a really big thing playing in Tivoli and you knew he was very nervous. Even the queen was coming to see the play!

But because of the tour with Rihanna you hadn't seen any of the rehearsals😰

The last show on the tour was on May 11th, but your flight home was first on May 13th. That may not seem like a problem, but it was! The premier was on May 12th, and you really wanted to support your boyfriend😘

So as the amazing girlfriend you were, you made a plan, so you could surprise him😂. If you could make it to a flight from the USA on May 12th in the morning, maybe you could get there in time for the play. So you asked your manager if they would allow that. He talked to the crew and came back with good news. Of course they could do that, they've already changed the plane tickets! So after the last show in Orlando you rushed back to the hotel to pack your backs. You didn't have to say goodbye to all your friends on the tour, cause you would all meet up again a week after at the Coachella 2016 where you had to perform together for the last time.

You packed your backs and got about 4 hours of sleep before you grabbed a cap to the airport. At five a.m. you sat at some benches outside the gate with your Starbucks coffee, waiting for the gate to open. While you were listening to music thinking about how excited you were to see him, he called you. You panicked a couple of seconds before you realised that you sat in front of a white wall, just like in all the arenas green rooms, so he probably couldn't see the difference. And he couldn't be surprised that you were awake cause you had to be awake at this this anyway💋

YUP, tour life can be quite hard, when you have to get up 5 a.m. every morning😂

So you took the phone seeing the lovely face, you hopefully was about to see with your own eyes in only 10 hours. "hey love" he said with a smile, that just didn't seemed real. "hey, whats up you look quite depressed" "i'm just nervous and i miss you like crazy"he said while sighing deeply. He looked down on his hands. "hey, don't be sad, it's an exciting day you should be more excited than nervous. You're amazing and you know that. You're gonna be great! nothing to worry about" "Thanks, but i still miss you" "I miss you to, but i will be home before you know it" "i know, i could just really use a hug right now" "i know me too"

You talked a little more but when you saw the flight attendant begin to go onboard you thought they would say something in the speakers soon, so you quickly said goodbye. The whole way home you either slept or just sat smiling about the fact that you were gonna feel his lips on yours in just a few hours❤️

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