21: The 1920's Decade Dance

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~Sad to say there's literally only a couple more chapters left. Gonna be 23 in all. BUUUUUT...Kenzie is gonna go to Season 4. And it may or may not he the last book of the series 😣😣 We'll see how I feel during book 4 and I'll take in your opinion if I should continue.


Chapter Twenty-One

Stefan and I walked into the school, hand in hand. I had dragged him out with me to help decorate for the decade dance. Caroline signed me, Elena, Bonnie, and Matt up to help. So I had to be there today. But I was bringing my boyfriend. We already spent yesterday without each other. I knew Damon was the one to fill Stefan in last night, but I knew he kept our talk to himself so I was going to do the same thing.

It wasn't a secret to Stefan that I loved him and practically every little thing about him. So I didn't feel the need to share with Stefan that I said all that about him. I was going to spend my whole life showing him how much I love him. And how much I appreciated and admired him as a person. I didn't need to tell him. Just seemed like I would be trying to prove something and I'm not. I want him to 110% sincerely believe that my love for his is equal to the love that he shows me.

"You can't just hang them. They're supposed to trickle down," Caroline's loud voice, struck through my thoughts. I chuckled seeing she was talking to Matt and Jeremy on a ladder hanging up string with large shiny stars cascading down them.

"Trickle down," Matt scoffed as we passed by them. Stefan and I sent them both a wave which they returned as I led my boyfriend over to where Caroline stood with my twin.

"Look at them all bromancey," Caroline said, smiling at us.

"I know, I saw," I chuckled, letting go of Stefan's hand to hug her. Stefan greeting my sister politely in the meantime.

"Yeah, I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust," Elena said then looked at me. "He got him his old job back at the Grill."

"That was nice of him," Caroline said after hugging Stefan too. Once she let him go I wrapped my arm around his waist and he slung his over my shoulder. "So are you two back together, officially?" She asked my sister.

I smirked, looking at my sister's blushing face. "Yeah. As of last night. He came over, we talked. And yeah, we're back together," Elena answered her.

"So have you slept with him yet? Cause, you told me about guys hooking up months ago," I said and Stefans looked down at me, shaking his head.

"Babe, you can't just ask that," he scolded and I shrugged.

"She's my twin," I argued.


"Guys," Elena interjected. "It's fine. And to answer your question, yes."

"Yes, just yes. Kenz, you've been missing out. The two have been sleeping together every time they're together basically," Caroline blurted and Elena put both hands over her face.

"Okay, I'm gonna go hang out with the guys. Babe?" He asked and I nodded my head. He kissed my cheek and then walked off quickly, all flustered. I smiled at his retreating figure thinking he was so cute when he was all awkward.

I turned to look at my twin, glaring. "You two have been fucking this whole time?" I gasped and she sighed.

"Not the whole time. Just...a few times. Last night. The night him and I broke into Meredith's apartment, after Stefan dropped me off at home after the Originals ball, that was the first time. He came by and one thing led to another. We just decided to make it official and stop waiting around to go on a first date," she said and I gaped at her.

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