3: Windy City

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~So I haven't decided on which idea to start yet. But when I do start uh all let you all know. But please go back and read the two options and give me feedback. I'm sure you'll love whichever I do. I just want a really good Kol fanfic. Now I'll let you all read chapter 3.


Chapter Three

Elena burst into my room last night to talk. Yes, I was actually back in my family home. She said Damon stopped by and said Stefan could be saved. My sexy boyfriend had saved him with that hybrid. Oh, and Alaric also moved back in, taking Jenna's old room.

And now this morning she burst into my room again, forcing me to wake up. "What time is it?" I grumbled, rubbing my eyes.

"Six in the morning. I know, it's early. But we're getting Stefan. He's in Chicago," she stated and I perked up.

"Stefan?" I questioned.

"Damon says he's in Chicago. We're taking another roadtrip, get ready now. We have a plan," she said and I furrowed my brows.

"All right, get out. I'll get ready," I told her. She smiled back at me, nodding and left the room, shutting the door behing her.


I was riding in the passenger seat of Damon's car as he drove and Elena was in the backseat, staring out the window, playing with her necklace. "I sure hope we find him. It would suck if the last memento of Stefan was that crappy old necklace," Damon murmured, looking at my twin in the backseat through the mirror.

"It's an antique, Damon. Like you," Elena snapped and I chuckled.

"Read this," Damon said, reaching back and grabbing a book before placing it in my lap. I recognized it immedaitely. I mean, I was the one who stacked it with the others in mine and Stefan's room. "Paints a pretty little picture of Stefan's first experience in Chicago."

"It's Stefan's diary. I'm not gonna invade his private thoughts," I said.

"You need to be prepared for what you're about to see."

"I've seen Stefan in his darkest periods. I can handle it."

"Here's one," Damon said, taking the book and opening it over the sterring wheel. I sighed and put my phone down, which I was playing a game on. "'March 12, 1922. I've blacked out days. I wake up in strangers' blood in places I don't recognize with women I don't remember.' Ah! I'm shocked. Stefan's not a virgin?"

"Eyes on the road, Grandma," I frowned, taking the diary away.

"Fine, back to my game. Tell me if you see a Florida plate," Damon said and Elena snorted.

I bit my lip as my eyes locked onto the words in the diary. I staed reading right where Damon left off, "I feel alive again. There are no rules here. Nothing matters anymore. Chicago is a place," it read. I had no idea what the next word was, it looked like 'reeming' but anyways, "with life and pulsing with people I have only imadinged meeting, drinking with as well enjoying. There is a woman who is..."


"Stefan could live anywhere in Chicago and he chose this?" I asked, scrunching up my nose.

"There used to be an all-girls high school around the corner but it shut down for attendance issues. Weird," Damon said and I snorted. We were at Stefan's old apartment apparently.

"If you're trying to scare us into giving up and going back, it's not gonna work," I replied.

"Shh," was his only reply. He then broke the door knob and opened the door. "Here we are." We all stepped in and looked around. There wasn't much to it. "Stefan's second-personality home."

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