11: Give Me Therapy

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~Here we are on chapter 11 already. It's gonna be a smooth, easy sailing chapter. Finally gonna get a glimpse of Kenzie during a therapy session, like a more detailed one. #Proudofher ✊ Then you know, some drama at the end cause it never stops with this series. Happy reading, you beautiful people 😍😚


Chapter Eleven

"Ah. You're gonna have to let me go eventually," Jeremy chuckled softly as I hugged him tight, both arms around his neck while he now only had one arm wrapped around to my back.

"No," I whined.

"Babe," Stefan chimed in. I sighed and pulled back, both hands on Jer's shoulders as I stared into his brown eyes.

"Be safe, okay?" I smiled weakly.

"Yeah, okay. All right," he said and took a step back. Elena got to say goodbye first but now I wasn't trying to let him go at all. "Look, Alaric's waiting."

I let him go and Stefan was quick to pull me into his arms, holding me from behind. His arms wrapped around my waist and his hands locked, resting against my small belly. I placed my hands on top of his trying to weave our fingers together. "It's okay," Stefan whispered in my ear while the tears built up in my eyes.

I watched Jer grab his last suitcase by the door and clasp Elena's shoulder once more while she spoted a sad smile. He turned to Stefan and I with a grin. "Take care of my sister," he said, looking at my boyfriend.

"Always," Stefan promised, stepping to the side and Jeremy hugged him for a second.

"I love you, Kenz. Both of you. Best sisters ever, I promise," Jer said, kissing my cheek. Elena came to my side and put an arm around my shoulder, squeezing me to her side while Stefan moved back so I was in the middle. He grabbed my hand holding it tight and Jer went to leave when Bonnie popped up in front of him. I tensed up and gulped.

"Good. You haven't left yet," Bonnie said.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jer asked and I could see the smile grace his lips.

Bonnie looked over his shoulder, looking at Elena before her eyes locked on mine. She took a deep breath before meeting my brother's gaze. "I came to say goodbye," she said and I bit my lip, holding back a sigh of relief.

Jer chuckled softly and they shared a short but tight embrace. Jer picked up his duffel bag then and stepped out the house while Bonnie stood on in the doorway. He stopped right before the first step and looked back with a soft smile, staring at his ex before his eyes roamed over Elena then me and Stefan. They came back to me and he bit his lip. I sent him a nod and he nodded back before taking off finally, walking over to where Alaric's truck awaited him.

"My baby is leaving the nest," I whispered. Stefan pulled me to him completely coddling me while Elena and Bonnie joined in their own hug. I cuddled into Stefan's chest, sobbing softly without any shame. "He's gone, Stefan. My baby brother is leaving me--"

"Shh...Babe, it's gonna be okay. He'll come back. He'll call and--"

"He shouldn't have to go!" I sobbed loudly, clutching at his t-shirt desperately. Stefan sighed and lifted me up bridal style, carrying me up to my bedroom and sitting me on my bed. "I...I don't kow what I'm gonna do without him--"

"You're going to remain strong, Kenzie. And I'm gonna be here right beside you," he promised and I pressed my lips to his.

"Promise?" I gasped, pulling back a bit.

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