17: Future Talks & Stress Eating

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~Chapter isn't too long. Kinda a filler but also just really good moments, aside from the main plot of the series. It's gonna be really good, I hope you agree. In case someone didn't tell you today/lately: You're beautiful, strong, and I love you. Smile babes 😁😊😆😀


Chapter Seventeen

Instead of going straight home, Damon and I picked Alaric up and dropped him off at his and Elena's now. I couldn't be more relieved. He was in the clear. Meredith turned into some copy of the coroner's supposedly error-fixed report on the medical examiner's death, which put Ric in the clear as he would have an alibi for that night now.

When Damon and I walked in together we found Stefan perched on the long coffee table, back to us, facing the fireplace. "They let Ric go," Damon said. "Sheriff Forbes said she's out of suspects again, but Ric is in the clear."

We both walked over, stopping at the other end of the table. "I know it may not seem like it, but you did really well tonight. I mean, before you know it, you're gonna be the king of moderation," Damon said, not getting a response. "Kenzie's supporting you."

"Doesn't matter," Stefan replied coldly and I gaped at his back. Ouch.

"Uh-uh. None of that. No more No-Humanity Stefan," Damon said, walking over to the station to pour himself a drink. "You love this girl and she's head over heels for you. Don't put her through that again."

I smiled warmly at him but he didn't look my way. I walked over to Stefan, sitting down behind on the table. I moved close, my legs spreading so he was between them as I pressed my chest to his tense back. I placed my hands on his shoulders gently massaging them as I peppered a few kisses on the back of his neck. "There's a road called Recovery and the three of us are on it," Damon continued his speech.

Stefan then jumped up, away from my touch, walking towards his brother. "Why do you even care, huh?" He asked his brother. "The whole brother-bonding thing, supporting me and Kenzie. Feel guilty because you kissed her? Is that it?"

"Stefan, don't start--" I went to speak.

"Because you can stop. Go back to hating me. It was a lot easier," Stefan continued, ignoring me completely.

"Can you for one minute actually believe that I'm trying to help you?"

"I don't need your help," Stefan denied, bumping his shoulder and walking around him towards the exit.

"You don't need my--? Are you kidding me? Do you remember what happened last time you said that?" Damon interrogated. He wasn't happy. Stefan froze, turning to face him.

"What are you talking about?"

"1912, Stefan. The last time I convinced you to drink human blood. The Founder's Council killer had nothing on you. By the decade's end, they were already calling you the Ripper of Monterey," Damon said, filling me in. "I let you walk away. I watched you go over the edge and I didn't do anything to stop you." The boys both looked torn up as I sat there nervously.

"You couldn't have."

"Sure I could. But I just didn't want to," Damon murmured, a glazed over look in his eye before he met Stefan's again. "But I want to now. Whenever you go too far, I will be there to pull you back. Every second. Every day until you don't need me." They stood toe to toe and I was practically jumping for joy and awwing. They were so damn cute I swear.

"Why?" Stefan whispered.

"Because right now...you're all I've got."

"And me," I chimed in. They both looked at me and I got up, rushing over to them, wincing at the pain in my feet. I wrapped an arm around Stefan's waist and reached over, grabbing Damon's hand. "You guys are my family. My idiot, protective older brother. And my sexy soon-to-be husband. I love you both to death and I would do anything for either of you. When I care about someone it's whole-heartedly, Damon. You're a great friend. You'll never lose me...or Stefan," I promised him.

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