Chapter 38. Wedding Day

Start from the beginning

"Wow...Will is going to be so surprised when he sees you!" I heard Rusher say as he mouth fell open in awe.

"You look amazing," Isaac said as he walked in the door dressed in a fact they all were rather dashing.

Echo soon walked in and behind him was Grape, "It's almost time fellas, so we better get down there."

They all nodded, and said their goodbyes, and Bee along with Sydney and Lucy followed them downstairs leaving me all alone. The time now said five minutes left. Five minutes until I'm married. I started taking deep breaths as I continued to look at the time. Each second was going by so slow.

"You can do this," I mumbled to myself and grabbed my bouquet of flowers.

I kept convincing myself that until the five minutes were up. I slowly made my way down to where I should be walking. My whole body was shaking. I could feel every inch start to tremble as I looked out to see everyone who had come. The more people I saw, the more terrified I was.

"You'll be alright Isabel," my grandpa whispered as he moved to my side.

"I hope so...just don't let me fall okay?" I said while feeling a little unsure of all of this.

"Never," he simply said and the music started to play which made my heart race even faster than it should be.

One step at a time, I told myself as we started walking. I didn't lift my eyes until my feet were safely on the flat ground, though I could hear the murmurs and rustling of the audience as I came into view. Blood flooded my cheeks at the sound; of course I could be counted on to be the blushing bride.

As soon as my feet were past the treacherous stairs, I was looking for him. For a brief second, I was distracted by the profusion of white blossoms that hung in garlands from everything in the room that wasn't alive, dripping with long lines of white gossamer ribbons. But I tore my eyes from the bowery canopy and searched across the rows of satin-draped chairs.

I was blushing more deeply as I took in the crowd of faces all focused on me-until I found him. At last, standing before an arch overflowing with more flowers, more gossamer. His face filled my vision and overwhelmed my mind. His eyes were a dark shade of brown orbs; his perfect face was almost severe with the depth of his emotion.

And then, as he met my awe gaze, he broke into a breathtaking smile of exultation. Suddenly, it was only the pressure of my grandfather's hand on mine that kept me from sprinting headlong down the aisle. The march was too slow as I struggled to pace my steps to its rhythm. Mercifully, the aisle was very short.

And then, at last, at last, I was there. Will held out his hand. My grandpa took my hand and, in a symbol as old as the world, placed it in Will's. I touch the cold miracle of his skin, and I was home. Our vows were the simple, traditional words that had been spoken a million times, though never by a couple quite like us.

In that moment, as the minister said his part, my world, which had been upside down for so long now, seemed to settle into its proper position. I looked into Will's shining, triumphant eyes and knew that I was winning too. Because nothing else mattered but that I could stay with him.

I didn't realize I was crying until it was time to say the binding words.

"I do," I managed to choke out in a nearly unintelligible whisper, blinking my eyes clear so I could see his face.

When it was his turn to speak, the words rang clear and victorious.

"I do," he vowed.

The minister declared is husband and wife, and then Will's hands reached up to cradle my face, carefully, as if it were as delicate as the petals swaying above our heads. I tried to comprehend, though the film of tears blinding me, the surreal fact that this amazing person was mine. His brown eyes looked as if they would have tears, too, if such a thing were not impossible.

He bent his head towards mine, and I stretched up on the tips of my toes, and throwing my arms-bouquet and all-around his neck. He kissed me tenderly, adoringly; I forgot the crowd, the place, the time, the reason...only remembering that he loved me, that he wanted me, that I was his.

He began the kiss, and he had to end it; I clung to him, ignoring the titters and the throat-clearing in the audience. Finally, his hands restrained my face and he pulled back- too soon- to look at me. On the surface his sudden smile was amused, almost a smirk. But underneath his momentary entertainment at my public exhibition was a deep joy that echoed my own.

The crowd erupted into applause, and I could feel Will cling to my side as blood rushed to fill my cheeks. The loudest person I could hear...was Graser, no surprise there. The first to wrap their arms around me was Bee. Next to follow was my family. I could see smeared mascara on my grandmothers face as she and my grandpa embraced me in a hug.

Will's hand never let go of mine as we passed through the crowd and continuously got stopped to be hugged. The last to hug us was Graser, Echo, Straub, Rusher, Grape, Isaac, Tybzi, Dfield, Dylan, and Hbomb. They all basically tackled Will in a hug which made our locked hands break apart.

Sydney then dragged me off to get ready for the reception, which made me and Will separate again.

•Almost Lover Kiingtong FF•

It was almost ten 'O' clock, and we just finished going in our rounds to say hello to everybody. Bee and Sydney dragged me off again since it was almost time for me and Will to leave for our honeymoon. I didn't really care that I was going to be separated from him again since I'll have him to myself for a month. Just us, and no one else.

Lucy had picked out a dress for me to wear so I wouldn't have to wear my wedding dress the whole trip. She picked out a simple black and white dress. (Dress is below)

        I changed into the dress quickly and walked out to see Will waiting for me

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I changed into the dress quickly and walked out to see Will waiting for me. He was wearing a simple blue button down with black jeans. I smiled as he held his hand out to me. I took it, and we walked out of the room together. When we walked out, people roared in applause again. More blood started to rush to my cheeks and I hid my face behind Will.

"Everything is packed and ready to go," Sydney whispered as we said our goodbyes to everyone.

"Cool," I simply said while nodding awkwardly, and moved back to Will's side as he led me to the car.

He opened the door for me, and then got in. I buckled my seatbelt, and took in a deep breath. I looked out the window to see everyone waving to us.

Will started up the car, and looked over at me with his usual dashing smile, "You ready?"

I nodded and gave him the same smile he gave me. I took his hand in mine and gently squeezed it,
"I'm ready."


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