"Oh I see, uh I'm fine just really tired that's all, well Mr. Weasley, I am going to bed and I suggest you do the same, goodnight," I rushed the last bit of my sentence then brushed passed him and went straight to the Teacher's Quarter's, dressed for bed then went to sleep, feeling excited and anxious for the next coming day.

I woke up earlier than usual, in order to look over the notes that Snape had left for me at the Potions desk. He said that Professor Umbridge was going to come during the Fifth years class so I quickly skimmed over the other classes and thoroughly concentrated on the fifth year's lesson in order to impress Professor Umbridge. My paranoia started to take over my mind and soul. Overwhelming thoughts of failure entered my mind and I fought them back as hard as I could and succeeded. Quickly, I focused my attention on my watch and debated whether or not to go down into the Great Hall and eat but finally decided against it. Instead I studied the lesson until I pretty much had it memorized, I had been instructed on teaching the students about Bezoars. Thankfully my father knew that Bezoars were my strongest suit and for the other hardest class, they were to start on their Polyjuice projects, just as I finished the instructions for the Polyjuice project I saw a quick flashback of myself as my mother and shuddered.

"Are you well?" Snape's bass voice startled me from the doorway, I jumped up and nodded.

"Yes, only nervous that's all," I answered him calmly. Snape maintained his foul facial expression but nodded.

"Have you read over the instructions for the day?" he questioned me. Once again, I nodded to reply.

"That's what I've been doing all morning," I responded with confidence.

"Good, I shall return this evening."

"What are going to do on your day off?" I asked lightly.

"I'm returning home, for awhile and attend to some left over business I have there," he retorted. I nodded understanding that, that was all the information that I was going to be able to extract from him.

"Please be safe," I blurted out to him but then swiftly bit down on my tongue and regretting every one of those three words. Flashes of Snape casting out glares and demands of why he wouldn't be safe set foot into my brain. Instead, his face softened and his eyes suddenly were filled with a little small smudge of happiness.

"I'm only returning home, no danger there," he replied softly, then left the room. I slumped back down in my chair and started to doodle on the backside of all my notes until finally, students were filing in the classroom and sitting in their seats. I stood up, in front of the classroom feeling nauseous, the first years finally quieted down and I opened up my attendance sheet with my quill in hand I began to name off names who said that they were here. I put down my quill and gazed at all the students staring blankly at me.I was just about to give instructions when a young Ravenclaw girl raised her hand. I pointed at her, giving her permission to speak.

"Professor, are you alright you're looking quite pale," she noted.

"I can assure you that I am quite well, I've been this pale since I was a baby. Hello class, I am Professor Evans and I will be substituting for Professor Snape today. If you have any personal questions at this time, I suggest you ask them now because I won't be answering them later." Like a flash of lightning three hands shot into the air, I chose on a Hufflepuff boy sitting up front.

"You're a little young to be a professor, aren't you?"

"You are never too young to be a teacher. I just graduated last year and have spent all summer and most of this school year learning under Professor Snape. I was just lucky that I got the opportunity to be an apprentice here at Hogwarts," I answered, I chose on another Hufflepuff.

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