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Not all endings are supposed to be happy endings. Some stories just end unexpectedly, out of no where and some stories just begin unexpectedly, out of no where. We just got to find the positive side of life out of all the negative sides it shows us all the time.
Life is a bitch who would go against you 99% of the times, its us who need to stay strong when life is giving us every reason to break. Our strength is within us, it does not rely on anyone. Its in our minds.

Stay strong people, sometimes you'll feel like there is nothing good in the future, that your future is not secure without them, that you won't be able to survive without them, that noone would be able to take their place and you won't ever be able to smile heartily like you did with them.

No! Take a break. That's not true. The truth is you are way too strong than you ever think you are. Life happens, sometimes you do feel weak but that's not the end. That's the time when you need to get up and go out, be strong because you never know what God has planned for you. It's definitely better than your past and present. You got to let them go even if you don't want to. If they are meant to be in your life, they'll gravitate back towards you and if not, that's because you deserve someone better than them, someone who would not make you feel like an option, someone who would make you and your smile a priority, who would go out of his way to make you feel good.

Everything happens for a reason, a reason that leads us to our destiny. So sit back and relax because god has already planned things for you and obviously no matter what, noone can go against them. Just go with the flow and enjoy life as it turns out to be.

P.S :- Just remember, in life, be it happy or sad, every chapter has an ending which marks a beautiful beginning of a totally new chapter. Learn from the past experiences and move on because no matter what, time and life waits for none, it goes on and on and on.



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