Playing human

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Chapter 2

I drag myself out of bed after listening to my alarm go off for the last time. I can't believe it is Monday already, and I have to be in school in a little over an hour, so I jump out of bed and head to my bathroom to get into the shower. I stood still for a few moment as I let the hot water flow over my body, and feel myself waken up properly. I grab my blueberry shampoo and conditioner and make a start on my hair, I take in a deep breath in as the scent of blueberries wraps around me. I finish off washing myself, turn the shower off and grab my warm fluffy towel off the radiator beside the shower.

I hop out and use a towel to try off my mirror, every time a look at my reflection, my heart aches slightly, because all I can think of is my mother and how everyday I am looking more and more like her, even after all these years the pain of losing my parents never get easier, you learn to live with it and cope, but its not like what people say, it doesn't get better over time, not when you have nightmares nearly every night of how they died.

I look back to the mirror pushing those thoughts to the back of my mind, I need an assignment soon, to burn off the aggression building in me, its been over a week since the supernatural council has sent me one. I get on with doing my hair, I blow dry it, but don't leave it down, I scrape it back and leave it in a messy bun, I throw on an over sized purple roxy hoody, black skinny jeans with my white and purple hightops. I don't put on any make up, I don't need any attention drawn to me, I like to keep to the background and sail through, some days I get a few of the school sluts trying to start with me, but they soon get bored when they don't get the reaction they want, someday I am going to end up snapping and leaving a slut imprint in the locker, they will catch me on a bad day, and they will wish they have never crossed me.

I take one last look in the mirror, I looked plain enough at first glance, I realised I haven't put in my brown contacts, and I pop them in hiding my amber coloured eyes, even like this, if you looked closely you would see my features clearly and I would look anything but plain, thank the gods know one ever gives me a second glance, I dont have any friends, what I do at night time is no place any human should be.

There are a few werewolves in the school, but they keep their identity well hidden, only socialising with some of the popular crowd and their own packs, but from what I hear from the council, there will be another pack joining the school during the next week, that should be fun watching two alphas fight for power in the school.

None of them no about me, one of the things my fathers council friends thought me was to hide my scent, been a demi-god doesn't have a certain scent, you just radiate an aura of power, that would have an alpha or vampire royalty bowing down, but I can keep that hidden, however the wolf and vampire side has a scent that I hide, the packs and covens do be wary of hybrids, as they don't no where our loyalties lies, my loyalties definitely don't lie with them, mine lies with the gods, after both covens and packs turned on my parents out of fear of what if's ,I despise most of them, especially alphas and vampire royalty.

I head down to the garage of my home, which is hidden on private land with its own forest around it. I feel in love with it when I left the council to live by myself when I was over sixteen, you probaly wondering how a sixteen year old is living by herself, I have earned enough money doing assignments for the council and along with the money my parents had in my bag, I had enough to buy my house, and live comfortably that was a year ago, Im turning eighteen in six months, it was safer for me to live by myself, because some of the less trustworthy council members were starting to get suspicious of who I am and I rather be alone and have no one watching my every move.

I jump into my school car as I call it, something that blends in with everyone else's cars, a vw beetle, don't get me wrong its cute but its not me, I looked back at my other cars and bike longingly, I have a pure black ninja bike with all chrome trimmings, custom made to fit my style, I have a black and silver mustang and a grey evo 6, that's my baby, its had tinted windows to match the paint, 22 inch shadow chrome alloys and chrome trimming to make it stand out, there my cars I keep for assignment when I'll need a quick getaway, but my bike is what I used most of the time, to draw attention when I need it.

I hop into my beetle and start my twenty minute drive to school, I turn up my radio and pumped up my speaker as I listen to going under by evanescence, and sing along with it. As I saw the school come into view, I turned my radio down as I turned into the school car park, it was packed with students, as I got out of my car and carried my bag, I heard a few of the brainless sluts make pathetic comments like " loner" " freak" ,wow, how original I thought to myself, I ignore their attempts to get to me and walked by unaffected.

The day went by quick, with only a few more weak comments and a couple of shoves into lockers, what's worse is I have to pretend that their weak shoves can actually send me into a locker, but what pissed me off the most was at the end of a school day one of the females wolves shoved me hard into a locker, with a smirk, whatever about a human doing that, that's one thing there not as strong as me, but this bitch is stronger than a human, she would of done damage if I was really human, I will be watching her, she touches me again I might have to break some bones.

I get into my car and pump the music as I drive, there is something about certain songs that can calm me down or pump me up for a fight. Right now I want to get home and pretend my punching bag is that oversized dog. But what I find when I get home brings a smile to my face, a brown envelope, waiting in my private mail box.I open it up and quickly scan it, an assignment for tonight, just what I needed to burn off some steam. In a few hours, there will be a few less rouge vampires hanging around the clubs, killing humans.

Seduce to kill (Book 1 in the Gods Series)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα