V: Arrogance

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"Let's say, it's a game of who can resist our advances the longest."

"Mmm that does sound fun," Ji Ah giggles, albeit a little childishly, fingers slowly walking their way down to Seokjin's chin, before gripping it to force Seokjin to look at her.

Of course, he glares at her and tries to wrench his chin away from her fingers but her grip tightens.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Ji Ah tuts lightly, grinning devilishly as she lets go of his chin to discuss something with Ye Jin.

"Taehyung ah, get a grip on yourself," Seokjin mutters to Taehyung, who's currently still very shaken by the killing of his younger sister right before his eyes.

"Taehyung, listen to me. I have a gun and you have a knife. If we do it right, we can live....." And Seokjin relays his plan to Taehyung, clearing his throat inconspicuously when the girls come back.

Ji Ah straddles Seokjin, grinding lightly on him as she giggles, attempting to seduce him in this sickly game of hers, while Ye Jin stands watching, still unaware that both he and Taehyung aren't bound by the ropes anymore.

"Do you like it?" Ji Ah asks breathlessly, as she attempts to give Seokjin a lap dance, and Seokjin glares at her, before touching Taehyung's back lightly to give him the signal.

In an instant, Taehyung is up, and has a knife to Ye Jin's throat, while Seokjin has his fingers wrapped tightly around Ji Ah's neck, effectively immobilising her.

"What are you-" Ji Ah sputters as Seokjin tightens his hold on her, bruises starting to form where his fingers are.

"Killing you," Seokjin answers evenly and he watches as Ji Ah's face and lips turn extremely pale while she attempts to struggle to get Seokjin to loosen his hold on her.

But it's no use.

Soon, Ji Ah goes limp, her eyes rolling to the back of her head as she stops breathing, as her heart slows down.

She's dead.

Seokjin lets go of Ji Ah's motionless body and turns around to face Ye Jin, who's still being held onto by Taehyung.

Ye Jin, Seokjin observes, doesn't seem to be in the least horrified by the death of her friend.

In fact, she seems like she's enjoying it all.

Seokjin scrunches his face in disgust.

"Do you want to..." Seokjin trails off, gesturing by way of asking if Taehyung wants to kill Ye Jin or not.

Taehyung nods slowly, grip tightening around his knife as he presses it to her throat with a slight pressure, causing a slight nick to form and some blood to appear where his knife is.

"Would you even be able to kill me?" Ye Jin suddenly says and both boys look at her in surprise.

"Kim Taehyung, the resident hottie and goodie two shoes boy of our school," Yejin says, "Is actually going to kill someone? Shame on you."

"Shut the fuck up, the Kim Taehyung you've known is gone," Taehyung mutters, his hand gripping onto the knife starting to shake.

She smiles a little evilly before continuing, "Oh right! I wouldn't think that you would want your darling Taemi to see you killing someone."

The mention of Taemi has Taehyung dropping his knife and loosening his grip as he sinks to the floor, shaking and crying as he repeatedly calls out for Taemi, who's body along with Ji ah's has already been transported out of the dome in hover pods.

Where are you Taemi?

And Seokjin can only watch in terror as Yejin's deft reflexes has her picking up the razor sharp knife and sinking it into Taehyung's torso.

There's a choked gasp as Taehyung's mouth forms a perfect 'o' shaped. He's the perfect picture of insanity, eyes holding an unspeakable grief, his tear streaked face forming a smile as he collaspses onto his back. All this while, he's been muttering Taemi under his breath, his body occasionally jerking here and there before it stills, and he's gone too.

"Taehyung ah?" Seokjin covers his mouth in shock, "Taehyung ah!!"

Before he can rush to Taehyung's lifeless body, an arm stops him.

"Nuh uh, where do you think you're going?" Yejin smiles maliciously as she backs Seokjin away from Taehyung.

"You bitch," He spits furiously, and Yejin laughs, throwing her head back.

"Yes, I'm a bitch. And this bitch is going to kill you," Yejin says, teeth gritted as she raises her hand holding the knife, ready to sink it into Seokjin's body.

Except that it never does because Seokjin raises his gun, with it's safety latch off, and aims it at Yejin, firing it. He isn't prepared for the recoil however, and is loses his balance, accidentally hitting his head hard on a tree trunk.

Due to the hard hit, Seokjin's vision goes blurry and he becomes dizzy, falling to the ground with a loud thud as he barely makes out the figure of Yejin limping towards him.

"Die," He hears her gasp and he cries out as Yejin stabs him repeatedly in the stomach, the acute pain sending shocks throughout his body.

Seokjin's body goes limp as he gasps for air like a fish out of water, but before he finds the strength to pull the trigger a few more times, not caring where the bullets land.

He must've hit Yejin, because the last thing he sees before he drifts into an eternal slumber, is the sight of Yejin falling, dead, next to him

Jungkook listens as the announcement detailing the dead students fills the dome. He smiles to himself, he and Namjoon are the only ones left now.

Trudging down the rocky cliff he's stationed himself on for the last few hours and to the safe area, he digs into his rucksack, producing a flare gun. Aiming it at the artificial sky of the dome, he shoots it, watching as bright sparks burst high into the air.

Jungkook smirks.

Come and get me, Namjoon.

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