IV: Ambush

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"You okay there?" Taehyung asks his little sister, Tae Mi as they trek along the edge of the safe area. She nods, looking determined and Taehyung smiles, ruffling her hair slightly.

The two of them and Seokjin, Taehyung's friend have been staying together as a group ever since the game began. Neither of them have great fighting skills and miraculously they've not run into any other schoolmates, only several mutated dogs in Area 4 where they had to fight, resulting in Taehyung and Jin sustaining several minor wounds.

"Oppa," She begins, "I'm thirsty."

Upon hearing her, Taehyung digs his rucksack for water, only to find several empty bottles. He takes them out and places them on the ground.

"Aish I don't have any water with me," He mutters, "Hyung do you have water?"

Jin shakes his head, confirming Taehyung's worst fear that they've run out of water. If they don't find clean water soon enough, there will only be a slight chance that they'll survive in this cruel dome.

Hey if we die of dehydration is there a chance that we might become water ghosts? I mean, there's a reason why those dudes love creeping in water.

Taehyung shakes his head.

Wait don't those people who die in water become water ghosts? I wonder what people who die of dehydration and become ghosts are called-

"Oppa? Oppa!"

Tae Mi's hand on his shoulder brings him back to reality from his far fetched thoughts.

"Typical of you. Always getting lost in your own thoughts." She laughs, the sound resembling the light tinkling chime of a small bell in the wind.

Taehyung feels a sense of warmth spreading through him. It's been so long since he's heard that tinkling laugh.

"So as I was saying before you got distracted, " Seokjin rolls his eyes, "I know that there's a special dispenser containing clean water for the students in the game towards the north of this area. It's not too far actually, just 50 meters at most."

"That's good. I'll go and get the water then." Both Taehyung and Tae Mi say in unison.

"I'll go." Tae Mi says resolutely, bending down to pick up the empty plastic water bottles.

"You can't go, I'll go." Taehyung shakes his head, reaching forward to try to steal the water bottles from Tae Mi, who clutches onto them like they're her prized possessions.

"Wait...so who is going?" Seokjin chuckles weakly, watching the siblings stare at each other with determination. He draws back in surprise slightly, realised that they have the same stare.

"Me." Tae Mi volunteers using her strength to shake Taehyung off, who scowls.

"No you can't-" Taehyung objects, but is cut off by Tae Mi.

"Aish you two have been protecting me ever since we've started this game, and you two have sustained injuries because of me too. So just give me this chance to do something and contribute." Tae Mi insists stubbornly, "Besides, it's only water."

Not waiting for either of the boys to reply, she runs off into the distance, long hair fluttering like a cape as she hugs tightly onto the water bottles.

Taehyung sighs, "That sister of mine is just really too stubborn for her own good."

"Like a certain somebody here." Seokjin wiggles his eyebrows, earning a chuckle from the shorter male.

Minutes pass and the two of them walk around restlessly, eagerly waiting for Tae Mi's return.

"Taehyung," Seokjin frowns, "It's been 10 minutes and Tae Mi isn't back yet."

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