"You coming?" she called.

"Yeah," I said and picked up my clutch.

We made our way downstairs like spies. Going about like ninjas. Ninjas in dresses. Without making a single noise.

"It's easier than I thought," Brooke whispered grinning widely.

Even if we did make noise I doubted my dad would hear or bother.

We sneaked past the hallway near living room where my dad was working on his laptop then picked up his phone.

"Go go," Brooke prodded me. We were nearly there. The house was eerily silent.

Just as we were about to turn the knob of the front door a sound made us jump.


Brooke and I shared a horrified look.

It was my phone. A text. I took it out of my clutch to check.

"What are you doing? Let's go!" Brooke whispered snappily at me.


A clearing of a throat made us freeze on our spots.


We both had expressions of a deer caught in a headlight.

"Going somewhere?" my dad asked. He was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed.

I started to speak but Brooke beat me to it.

"Mr. Anderson! It's so nice to meet you," Brooke said with a girly giggle.

My dad raised an eyebrow.

"You too Brooke," he said.

"Can I ask you girls, where are you going at this time and wearing that," he said.

I opened my mouth to tell him we were going next door but Brooke made an excuse. A hell of a stupid excuse.

"Um... we are going for a group study. I know Ellie is grounded but it's for education. Sure you won't let any unnecessary punishment come in the way," she said in one breath.

I mentally facepalmed. That was the worst ever excuse I have heard in all my lives. Next time I would do the talking and she would keep her cake hole shut.

He was totally not buying it. Who would?

"Is that so?" he asked.

Brooke suddenly found her heels the most interesting thing. "Shit," she muttered under her breath. At least she realized her excuse was the mother of dumb excuses.

"Of course I would never let any unnecessary punishment come in the way," he said.

Brooke looked up hopefully.

I was not the least hopeful. Only if she would have let me do the talking we would have been dancing right now.

"That's right," she said.

"Of party," my dad completed.

Brooke looked like something hit her in the face. She could not believe she messed up. The color drained from her face.

"I-It's not like that. We were... we're," she clamped her mouth shut.

"I must say parties are immensely educational. They educate you on so many levels," he said, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Brooke was turning red with embarrassment. She was wringing her fingers.

"Dad, stop messing with her," I said.

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