CH 11: Icy Blood

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Lucy parker pov

As the clock strikes twelve, I make my move. Slowly pulling the arm from around my waist, I roll off the bed. I land on the floor with an almost silent thud, as Xavier grabs my pillow to hold instead.

Tears cloud my eyes, making it difficult to see through the misty haze, but I've got to keep going. I grab the bag I sneakily packed yesterday, from under the bed. It only has some of my favorite clothes, and a small amount of food and money (which I stole from Xaviers wallet), it's just enough to survive until I find my way home.

I creep towards the window, avoiding creaky floor boards. I slowly slide the Window open, being as quiet as possible. I sigh in relief when it opens silently. That was a mistake.

Xavier stirs in his sleep, groaning quietly. I duck but otherwise freeze completely. After a few minutes of no movement, I deem it safe to keep moving. I slide on my converse, tying the laces as fast as possible.

I move to sit on the windowsill, my feet dangling off the edge. A light midnight breeze blows my hair from my face, and I let a few tears fall. They trail slowly down my face, my heart breaking, as I jump.

I land on my feet in a crouch position. As my feet touch the ground I can practically hear my heart shatter. I get up and I run. I keep running 'till I get to the forest, where I slow down a bit.

Xavier explained to me about patrol, so I have to be careful that I am not spotted. This would be extremely hard and awkward to explain, if I were to be caught.

I stalk silently through the woods, listening for anything threatening. Soon enough I hear the slight crunch of leaves underfoot. I shift into a deer and sit under a tree, sliding my bag under my body.

Three men walk out from some bushes, talking in hushed tones. " I really wish she was my mate, I mean she was an amazing women." One mutters in a deep voice. There heads snap in my direction, and I lift my ears like a startled doe would.

"Why is there a doe around here at this time of night? "One questions.

" yeah, and why hasn't she run?" Another adds. Shit, think quick.

I pretend to stand but only get halfway up, before I fake fall, and lick at one of my legs. "Can't you guys see she's injured?!? You idiots!" The third says exasperatedly.

They look at me sympathetically, but eventually move on with their patrol. Once I'm sure they are gone, I shift back, and continue cautiously.
I've been moving for hours now, it's around 4AM, and I am exhausted. I've been headed towards where I can hear cars, which I assume means civilization. Xavier told me where the pack village was, so I made sure to head in the oposit direction.

My already shattered heart, lurches at the thought of him. Why? Why did we have to become so close? Why did he have to kiss me? Why did I have to like it?

Anyway back to my exhausted state. I know I'm close to civilization, but I feel if I take more than three more steps, I will collapse. I decide my best option is to climb a tree and rest for the night. I can continue in the morning.

I fine the nearest sturdy looking tree, and climb to a wide branch. I lie down and put my bag under my head like a pillow. For a while I just stare up at the stars.

The stars are a magnificent thing. So far away, yet they feel close enough to touch. Everyone sees the same stars. They are always there, even when we can't see them. Eventually I drop of to sleep, with dreams of black nothingness.
I don't think anything could have prepared me for what I woke to the next morning. It chilled my bones and made my blood run cold.

A pain filled, gut wrenching, heart shattering howl of pure agony and loneliness.

A/N hey! So... (Escape attempt #3, success, feelings: exhaustion, regret, sadness) that happened. Sorry it's short. I'm tired and sad, I want to Die. Good bye

By mysterious_mischief

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