Ch.25: Bitter-Sweet

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April 24, 2016: Chapters 24 and 25 are updated! :)

Chapter 25: Bitter-sweet

It had been a few weeks since Emiko had left Land of Rivers and was now travelling through the villages, mostly civilian ones to avoid any shinobi battles that were going on. She knew that the war was in full throttle now.

The amount of chakra she could sense was ridiculous; it was massive, powerful, and sinister. Walking on foot took a long time but it allowed her to see the grace and beauty of the vast mountains and forests. Not only that, but she could tell Yuri loved peaceful locations without too much noise, and therefore this mother-daughter escape trip was a wonderful idea.

Currently, Emiko held Yuri in her arms resting the baby against her waist. The curious eyes of the baby gazed around inquisitively and just generally because it was something knew to see besides her mother all the time. She liked a change.

"Hmm see that up there, Yuri?" Emiko pointed upwards, "That's the sky. It's so blue isn't it?" she quietly asked as Yuri followed the finger her mother was pointing and stared up at. It was massive, and shaped like a dome from how her eyes deemed it so. "That's where everyone goes after they have lived their life here..."

Yuri only blinked and rested her head on her mother's shoulder, still looking up. Although Emiko knew she couldn't understand anything she was saying, she was listening to her voice deeply, and that's all that mattered to her. "Both of your grandfathers and grandmothers are there... as well your tou-san. I'm sure he can see you right now, my beautiful baby." The girl stroked the baby's soft hair, the thin black strands leaving a feathery touch on her fingers.

But all the baby did was shake her fist like it was a rattle. Emiko lightly chuckled before her laugh died in her throat when she felt an unbelievable amount of chakra signatures heading for her direction. Clutching Yuri closer to her, Emiko started to make a dash for it, pushing chakra to the soles of her feet to make herself go faster.

However, it was no use as the shinobi behind her caught up and she had no choice but to defend herself. Pausing in her tracks, Emiko swiftly created handsigns, and with a poof a shadow clone of hers appeared. Handing over Yuri to her clone, she told her to keep the baby safe. The clone nodded and jumped back a few meters.

Emiko's eyes widened when she realized that the chakra signatures weren't just shinobi, but rather tons of clones of White Zetsu. "What the hell," she cursed under her breath before taking out multiple kunai and shuriken and started her battle.

The clone held the baby close and watched from behind the tree as her real self head on took care of the many Zetsu's. Emiko flashed and jumped all of the place, slashing and dicing through the enemy like they were butter. Her blue eyes flashed like lightning as she took out all of her anger and frustration on Zetsu, and finally killed the last one with Chidori.

Emiko took a deep breath before flipping her long hair across her shoulder, looking over at her clone smiling and Yuri shaking her wrists looking at her mother screaming and bubbling with happiness. Shaking her head, Emiko kissed Yuri and made the clone disappear.

Feeling more tired than usual, Emiko decided to rest at one of the small inns that came at a nearby junction point. Washing herself up, she put Yuri to sleep. Emiko lay on the bed a protective arm around her baby and the other gently tapping her chest in a rhythmic motion, that usually helped Yuri rest more quickly.

Humming softly under her breath, Emiko could only stare at her baby and take in her features. Under the moonlight, it seemed like she was sleeping next to Itachi. Memories of him haunted her during the night, only causing lack of sleep. Although she was exhausted, she couldn't sleep, because if she did, his bloody self would come in her dreams again.

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