You first meeting the Sakamakis

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~Shu Sakamaki~

You first meet Shu when you where on you off period.

You where new to this school, and well, didn't have anyone to talk to. No have no friends because you just barely transferred here.  And this was a night-school! How on earth do people stay up this late?! Is everyone here vampires, or werewolves or something?!  You where very exhausted, and walk into a random room, and plopped on the nearest couch. Shu, who had just used the bathroom, was going back to his couch. To find a (Hair/Color)-haired human in his couch. 

"What are you doing?" Shu asked the (H/C)-haired human.

"I'm sorry, what?" You said, rubbing your eyes to see a handsome young man with slightly curled, blond hair with light ocean blue eyes, that looked pretty pissed off. He had black studs on both of his ears. With an MP3 player attached to a wire that which is wrapped around his neck and with the earphones in his ears.

"What are you doing in my music room?" Shu asked, crossing his arms. Why do humans have to be so difficult?

"Oh? This is yours?" You said sitting up

"What are you doing here?" Shu sounded more angry now. 

"I'm tired, and this is my off period, and since I didn't see another place to crash, I crashed here." You explained.

"Hmpf. I don't care, get off my couch."

You did so, mostly because he sounded real angry now.

Then you left the room, looking for another place to have a nap.

~Reiji Sakamaki~

Reiji became your tutor. You where new to the school after all, and the principal asked Reiji to help you with schoolwork until you had stable enough grades. Reiji didn't decline, and you first meet in a classroom where he helped on some of your schoolwork, even though he is older than you. 

~Laito Sakamaki~

Laito was staring at you in the hallway. You didn't look familer to him, maybe you where new, or he didn't notice you, well he was interested in you now. Then he walked up to you when you where at your locker.

"Well~ What do we have here~" He cooed, 

You however didn't swoon over how hot he was, you just stood there. "Hello."

"Are you new here?" Laito asked

"No." You lied, because he was starting to become annoying. Then you looked at the time. "I have to go, excuse me."

You closed your locker, and pushede him aside, and walked to your next class.

Laito however stood there. This one seems interesting. Unlike those other girls.

~Kanato Sakamaki~

Cooking class. That's how you meet Kanato Sakamaki. You two sat next to each other in class, and where supposed to do projects together, you where kinda creeper out with the fact that he brings a teddy bear to school, but there's no rules saying otherwise.

~Ayato Sakamaki~

Ayato had been dared. He was dared by Laito to talk to you. He was currently trying to find you, when he did, you where in his 4th class of the day. He we t up to you, and said

 "Are you new?"

"No." You responded, with a face like 'What do you want?'

"Really? Your not new?" Ayato said, 

Thank the heavens class started.

~Subaru Sakamaki~

You where wandering around, outside the school. When you outside you noticed a white-haired boy walking around the area. 

"Who are you?" The boy with white haIr asked. 

"What?" You asked

"Who are you?" He asked again.

"Why does it matter?" You asked

"I don't remember you being at this school before."

"Why do you care?"

Thankfully, class started so he wouldn't ask anymore questions.

~Yui Komori (She's  part of the house, she counts)~

You where walking a to understand the school, still trying to figure out hot to get around it. When you saw a girl, that didn't  look like she should be at school. She looked terribly pale. 

"Miss? Are you alright?" You asked, before she passed out. You brought her to the nurse's office. Because you didn't know what else to do. 

The next day, she came up to you, and said "Thank you." And ran off.

~Celia Sakamaki~

You first meet the blind girl when you where trying to hide from the Sakamaki brothers when you came across a room, with a door that seemed good enough to hide in. When you walked it was not hard to tell that this was a bedroom. With a huge window. The room was mostly in black and purple, with a desk which had a computer with papers scattered across the desk and a phone. There was a table not far from the bed. That table had a bowl with sweets in it. Above the purple bed was a black canopy, which was closed. You went to open to the canopy to see a black-haired teenage girl sleeping. Then, a voice said 

"Oh~ What does Ningen want with Watashi no imōto?" When you turned around there was Laito, who looked amused. 

"W-what?" You stuttered.

"Come on, Ningen, let's go." Laito said, closing his sister's canopy, and dragging you out of the room.


A/N: Yay! First scenario! 

Yeah, I know it sucks, but hey, I tried!

Next I'll probably be doing like them as dogs or something.

Requests are open!

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