chapter twenty nine-Animagus

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After that news report, there were several months of silence before people began to suspect that Tyr had been killed off by the ministry. Forseti told everyone that he was probably just busy or that he couldn't find any way to get here without being caught. Draco, of course, noticed the way he looked when he thought no one was looking

It was awful to see him that way and he stopped casting glances at him. It was mighty depressing and it didn't help how Draco felt about his current situation with Harry. He now had no way of knowing if he was alright.

Not only that but winter was coming to abide in the already freezing province of Siberia. They had enough problems keeping warm as it was. Now the temperature was only predicted to get worse. They spent the months in the small one-room cabins that spread themselves over 160 kilometers of land, huddling together for warmth.

Only the ones who were physically able left the cabins, and even they did not leave unless entirely necessary. Ever since the news stopped coming, they were all too afraid to use magic. They had no way of knowing whether the ministry had started tracking the use of magic and were not going to risk it.

By this time, Draco's burns had healed, although they left nasty scars all the way up his calves. He no longer had a limp and his lungs had begun to sound normal when he breathed. He thought about Harry pretty much all of the time, there was nothing else to think about. He wanted more than anything to go back and find him. To make things right. He felt like the letter he had left was not enough, he needed to talk to him and make things right. 

He knew it wouldn't be safe to return home. Not with death eaters controlling the ministry, he would have to stay here until the war came to a conclusion. And that was only if Harry found a way to stop Voldemort.

"I just wish there was a way to see him. To know if he was okay," he told his mother.

"I know" she whispered back. She put her arm around his shoulder, pulling him close. "He's probably pretty busy at the moment. Trying to take down Voldemort. He's gotten on with his life, Draco. We just have to be patient."

"What life? I've been gone."

"Draco, honey."


"It's too dangerous right now. We have to lay low. Even when this has all blown over, the ministry will be tracking down all the death eaters for trial."

"So, what? How long am I to wait?" he had not thought about what would happen to him after this was over. He had the mark which would mean that they would shoot first and ask questions later. He didn't want to stay in isolation for much longer. "There has to be some way, some way that I can change my appearance or get rid of the mark or-"

It was then that his mother began to cry, "I am so sorry. This is all my fault. My fault that you've got the mark and that you're here in this mess. I shouldn't have told your father about the letter Umbridge had sent, maybe he wouldn't have forced the mark on you!"

"Please don't cry." Draco said putting his head on her shoulder, "it wasn't your fault. Don't you ever say that? There was nothing you could have done to stop it. Father would have found out anyway. And I doubt that was the reason he made me get the mark. It wasn't your fault, okay?"

She nodded and continued to cry. Draco moved his hand up and down along her back as they rocked back and forth.

"I think there is a safe way to see your boy again." he heard from the darkened corner. Forseti shifted to a seated position "Arwen Undómiel, the witch who takes residence in the structure nearest the lake, she is an amingus. I think you may be able to learn. You've got a quick wit."

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