Planning the plan

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Ally's p.o.v

I wonder how Austin's getting on in hospital. He had his police interview. Is he worried about me? Of course not, I convinced him that I would be fine yesterday, now look at me...

Austin's p.o.v

"I'm so worried! What is James has hurt Ally!" I exclaimed as the 3 of us rushed down Orbury Street. James' house isn't far.

"Dude, stop worrying. Ally's got this." Dez said, holding his camera in his right hand and gripping his backpack strap with his left.

"Yeah, Ally's a big girl, she's smart and careful enough." Trish chimed in. I relaxed a little. She was right. If anything, Ally is careful and smart...and pretty, but that's irrelevant right now.

"Uh, no, I meant, Ally will soon annoy them and bore them by talking." Dez said, guilty. I threw him a look, but then shrugged. He was right too. Then, we reached James' house.

Ally's p.o.v

I heard footsteps and a slight glimpse of hope sprung inside of me. Maybe it's Austin, or one of my other friends?


"James, let me go." I demanded.

He cocked his head to one side and widened his eyes. "Well, since you say" He snapped.

"What are you planning to achieve here?" I asked, still tied up.

James sat on a beanbag chair and crossed his arms, he wasn't far from me but it was like he was avoiding getting too close. "I'm planning to teach you and Austin a lesson." He said, smiling evilly.

"How long are you planning to keep me here then?" I asked, starting to get agitated.

"That's for me to know, but you should start to get comfortable around here." He laughed, as he went on his phone.

"When I get out of here-" I began but he stopped me.

"Ah, that's IF you get out of here." He said and then put his phone in his pocket and went upstairs.

I heard a loud click and realized that he's locked the door. Seriously?

Austin's p.o.v

"So, how are we going to get Ally out without James seeing us?" Trish asked as we stood outside his house.

I was a little nervous but my anger masked it quickly. "Dez, you distract him while Trish and I find a back door." I planned out before I heard a noise. I turned around to see 2 big guys behind us. Those must be the guys that helped take Ally.

"Can we help you?" One of them asked, crossing his massive arms.

"Er, Trish, tell them why we're here." I asked Trish, quickly. I suddenly felt really scared.

These guys could rearrange my face if they wanted to! No joke, it's like Dwayne Johnson and a building had a baby!

"Um, we're...uh, lost." She said without thinking. I guess lying is her talent, but it doesn't help Ally.

"Where do you need to get to?" The other one asked in a really deep voice.

"Uh, the camera store. Mines broken." Dez lied, pointing at the video camera in his hand.

"Go out of this road, follow the beach, turn left at Brooke's Books and then go down that road until you see it." The first guy said.

Not knowing what to do next, we just stood there. "Uh, thanks?" Trish said, confused.

Do we leave now? How could we just walk away from the place where Ally is?

Dez and Trish started to leave but I was glued to the floor. Then Trish pulled me away from my spot and we walked until we reached the end of the road, then we stopped.

"Why did we leave?" I asked, still processing why the big guys helped us. Didn't James tell them to kill us if we came near or something?

"Because it would look suspicious if we didn't. We have to come up with a smart plan before we do anything dramatic. Okay?" Trish explained. I still wasn't fully convinced but I guess she knows best about all of this.

"Okay, so what's our plan?" Dez asked, his red hair was getting a shade lighter, thanks to the sun.

"I'll get a job at a toy store, spend my employee discount on those spy kits and magic kits, then we break in at midnight and free Ally." She planned. It's not a bad plan.

"But we don't know where Ally is in his house." I said, mentally taking notes.

"Probably the basement. Most victims are stored in the basement. I noticed a small window we could crawl through, it seems big enough." She replied. "Just meet up here, at 11:45pm, all in black. We can go through a plan and then do the mission." She smiled and then walked off with Dez and I following.

Ally's p.o.v

I managed to slip my hand out of the rope, painfully. This guy knows how to tie a knot. Then I untied my feet.

Man, I'm starving! I haven't eaten since breakfast. I hope Austin or anyone else finds me fast. Wait- my cellphone!

I whipped it out of my pocket and hoped for the best... No bars?! Ah, man. I walked around for a bit, but nothing.

This room had nothing either. Only a small TV, a couch, 2 beanbags, a football and a pile of books. I've read them all anyway so I didn't bother reading them again. I sat back on the couch and sighed.

I miss Austin.

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