Dating James

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I waited for James for ten minutes after Austin left. He walked out mumbling to himself about the teacher giving him detention as we walked to the movies, Austin still haunting my mind. I kept thinking about the kiss Austin gave me. Something happened in that kiss. Something I don't feel when I kissed James.

We got to the movies to start our date and he let me pick the film. I suggested the new Jennifer Aniston movie. He just shrugged and paid for the tickets. At least he pays for me. He also paid for the large popcorn and soda that I attempted to buy but he didn't let me.

During the movie, a really romantic scene was playing and James put his arm around me. I nestled in. He smelt good, like he'd spent loads on a really expensive aftershave, it was a good choice though. The rest of the movie was cute and I could tell James was bored but he stuck with it, which was sweet of him.

After the movie James suggested we walk along the boardwalk, since it's quite dark out then all the street lights will be on so that will be quite romantic so we walked to the boardwalk. It's not that far, only about 5 minutes.

When we got to the boardwalk, there were only a few people, most of the stalls were closed but we still walked along there anyway. James held my hand and we were talking about the movie until James suddenly changed the subject.

"Ally, why did you change so suddenly?" He asked. The street lights illuminated his features.

"Well, Trish had the idea when Austin was being...well Austin." I shrugged.

"So you changed for Austin?" He asked suddenly stopping. Wait, what?

I turned to face him. "No, I changed for myself. Austin was the one to make her suggest it. Can I ask you something now?" I asked. I knew he wasn't done with his question but I just wanted to change the subject.

"Shoot." He indicated. I thought hard for a really good question.

"Why did you suddenly ask me out the moment I'd changed?" I asked. We started walking again. There was a cold but refreshing breeze that swept through my hair and made me feel alive.

"Ever since I moved to your school last year, all you were was this intelligent, unique girl who is different, but you were always so closed up, so the only way I could talk to you was to tease you, I didn't mean to be harsh, but the more I teased you, the easier it was to talk to you. Then you changed and became more open, that's when I asked you out." He replied as we kept on walking. My feet hurt because of my shoes but I didn't care. That was the sweetest thing ever.

"Seriously?" I smiled up at him. He shot me a quick smile.

"Course. My turn to ask you something now." He said facing forward again. "What's the deal with you and Austin?" He asked. I could feel him tense up.

Really? "Why does everything have to be about Austin?" I asked, my shoulders shrugging a bit. This is my date, so Austin shouldn't be mentioned at all!

"I just want to know. Are you friends or...?" He asked dragging out the 'or.......'

"Fine. We're just friends. We work together but that's it." I shrugged again. I tried to change the subject again. "So I heard that you have a basketball tournament soon." I smiled.

He seemed to relax a bit when I changed topics so that's alright. "Yeah in a few days. You coming to watch?" He asked, smiling down at me. I just realised how short I actually am!

I nodded. "Why wouldn't I? Of course I want to support you." I smiled.

He smiled back and kissed my forehead. I love being in a relationship! It's so cute! "Good, because we have this thing when the team give their girlfriends their jerseys if we win and I haven't had a girlfriend to give mine to, so would you do the honours?" He asked.

My mind lingered in the word 'girlfriend'. Did he just say that? My heart flipped and was jumping about inside of me. I blushed. "Is that your subtle way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked grinning.

He blushed this time and put his spare hand in his pocket. "Yeah, so what do you say?" He asked, nervously. Why was he the nervous one?

"Of course." I smiled before he leant down to kiss me. It was different from the one Austin gave me, it was more chilled and relaxed, unlike Austin's which was more passionate. But I tried my hardest to get Austin out of my brain.

The wind was cold and it made me shiver. I tried to do it subtly but James noticed. He smiled and unzipped his hoodie and handed it to me. I looked up at him. "Are you sure you don't want it?" I asked.

He chuckled and said "I'm sure, you take it." I took the hoodie from his hand and put it on. It felt warm.

It was coming to 10pm and it was a school night. He understands my dedication to school, so we got a cab to mine and he walked me to my front door.

"Thanks for the great night James." I smiled and hugged him tight.

"No problem, it was fun. So I'll see you at school?" He asked as we broke away. He put his hands in his pockets again.

I nodded and then remembered. "Wait, what about your hoodie?" I asked beginning to unzip it. He smiled and said "Keep it, I have tons." He winked at me and then walked away.

I walked inside and saw my Dad watching TV. I strolled to the couch and sat down. Dad muted the TV and turned to me. "Hey honey, how was your date?" He asked smiling.

I picked up my Black Beauty book from the coffee table and held it. "It was alright, what have you been doing?" I asked looking up at him.

He sighed. "Just stuff for the store. It's getting late, you should be thinking about going to sleep now." He said, I was going to argue and say that I wasn't tired but I actually was. So I agreed and said goodnight then walked up the stairs to my room.

The second I closed my bedroom door, I turned on my laptop and video chatted Trish. But I found that she wasn't online, probably asleep. So I'll just tell her tomorrow. I decided to log into Facebook instead.

I scrolled down my homepage, pages and pages of nothing. But then I saw a post from Austin.

"Feeling like you've made a mistake..."

Was that about me? What mistake? If he's referring to the kiss, he has to be the one to apologise. You know what, I'll just speak to him tomorrow, maybe. So I got ready for bed and the second my head touched the pillow, I was out of it.

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