Writing the first song...

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BRRIIINNNGGG! The last bell went off and the first day was over. Trish walked home with Ella Porter and Dez rode home on his bike. I met Austin at the lockers as he was putting books into his locker a few lockers away from mine.

"Hey." I said opening my locker.

Austin looked at me. "Hey Ally. I didn't see you." He said closing his locker and walking towards me.

"Ha. Story of my life. Anyway, are you ready to go?" I asked closing my locker and picking up my purple backpack.

"Sure." He said, walking beside me.

It took about 10 minutes to get to Sonic Boom from school. "Whoa, how come I've never been here before?" Austin asked checking out the drums and guitars. I smiled at his enthusiasm.

My Dad walked down the stairs. "Hey Dad, is it alright if a friend and l write a song in the practice room please?" I asked walking up to him.

He smiled. "Of course. Who's your friend?" He asked putting some CD's on the rack. Austin was still fascinating over the instruments.

"Austin." I replied.

My Dad frowned. "That's a weird name. Why would you call your daughter Austin?" He asked. Oh! Obviously he thinks that Austin is a girl.

"No Dad, Austin's a guy." I pointed at Austin, who was now looking at the piano.

"Is he your boyfriend?" My Dad asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Wh-Dad! No! He's just a friend at school." I said, disgusted. My Dad smiled.

"Alright then. But the shop shuts at 5:30 today." My Dad said before helping a customer out. I say thank you before leading Austin up to my practice room.

I shut the door behind me. "So, what music do you like?" I ask Austin as he sat on the piano bench.

"I listen to pop, R n B, hip-hop, rap, old and classic rock, and anything with an awesome beat. My favourite has to be hip-hop. What about you?" He replies.

I stand next to him picking up my book. "I listen to pop, classical, R n B, classic rock and jazz. But my favourite has to be classical." I said opening my book to the bookmarked page. "I think you should sing a catchy, hip-hop, sing. With a cool beat. Have you ever written a song before?" I ask him.

He nods and grabs a guitar from the stand next to the piano. "I've written tons. This one is my best!

I like girls, oh yeah,

You like boys, mm yeah,

I'm a boy, it's true,

I can go out with you, oooohhhh."

I raise my eyebrows. "Er, not to sound mean or anything but....That's the worst song I've ever heard in my life!" I exclaimed grabbing the guitar from him.

"I know, all my songs suck. This is why I need you. Do you have any ideas?" He asked me.

"Of course I do! I'll get you started with a tune, you develop it into a chorus and I'll write some lyrics. We can put them both together afterwards." I ordered, sounding bossy but Austin saluted it.

"Yes Ma'am." We both laughed and then started working.

About half an hour later we came up with a chorus. Austin sung and played the guitar to it while I accompanied him on the piano.

They wanna know, know, know

Your name, name, name

They want the girl, girl, girl

With game, game, game

And when they look, look, look

Your way, way, way

You gotta make, make, make

Them do a double take.

"Wow, that's an awesome song Ally." Austin said walking towards me. He gave me a high 5.

"Thanks, you were great too..." I started to say. Austin raised his eyebrows at me. "At playing the guitar!" I rolled my eyes. D'uh. He laughed at me.

"Thanks." he smiled. I laughed nervously. Why was I so nervous?

Just then Trish walked in with Dez. "Dez, for the last time! Leprechauns don't exist!" Trish said slowly to Dez.

"Then how come I just saw one?" He asked crossing his arms.

Trish rolled her eyes. "That was a small Irish man." He shook his head.

"Then why was he carrying a pot of gold?" He asked sitting on the floor.

"They were arcade coins!" She said frustrated at the tall ginger.

"Hey guys!" I said quickly before things got weirder.

"Austin, guess what? I booked you on The Helen Show!" Trish beamed.

Austin jumped up and down and then hugged Trish. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For when?" He asked. He couldn't stop smiling.

"Thursday. I took a LOT of persuading but she cancelled someone called Anne-Louise Roberts for you." Trish replied.

I gasped. "I LOVE Anne-Louise Roberts! She's the coolest author ev-er!" I said holding my hand out to Austin, waiting for a high 5. He didn't give me one. "Fine, but only we have 3 days to finish a new song!" I exclaimed turning to Trish.

She smiled at me. "Good luck!" Then she ran out. Dez was still on the floor peeling a banana. Austin and I gave Dez a weird look.

"Fine! I'll leave you to it." Dez said picking up his backpack and walking out.

I turned to Austin. "We'll never get this song done in time by the pace we're going at! We only have 3 days and we only have a chorus!" I stressed sitting on the piano bench. "We have to finish the song, you have to learn and memorise it on guitar and we have to make it perfect and get a band to learn it for the Helen show! But we'll have to pull an all-nighter! Even though it's a school day. We WILL finish the song today!" I said quickly, standing up.

 Austin put his hand on my shoulder. "Ally, chill!" He laughed. "You're going to explode! Even if we do pull an all-nighter, it won't be much good if we're cranky and tired." He slumped his shoulders. I wacked his arm.

"Man up! If we don't finish today then I won't be able to sleep because I'll be constantly thinking of new lyrics, then I'll be tired because I would've spent all night pacing up and down my room thinking of a verse!" I snapped. I was tired and hungry, don't blame me.

"Jeez, alright. But I'm hungry and if we are pulling an all nighter then I'm going to collect some pizza." He said. I watched him leave then began writing some lyrics. My eyes grew heavier and heavier and before I knew it, I was asleep.

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