Out of hospital

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Ally's p.o.v

Leaving day. Finally! I can see my friends and Sonic Boom again and I can play my piano!

I woke at around 7 and walked down to the cafeteria for breakfast. I had a bacon and egg sandwich. I also bought some pancakes for Austin.

Austin. He's stuck here for another week. Poor him, I'll just have to visit him everyday.

I walked back up to my room at 7:45 and put Austin's pancakes on the table and started packing my duffle bag. Then I got changed into white shorts and a yellow top and stuck my hair in a ponytail. At 8am, I visited Austin.

He was still asleep, of course. To him 8am is like 4am. I put the pancakes on his table, along with my mp3 player. I had recorded a song for him on there, then I wrote on a piece of paper 'Listen to track 19 x' and I put it next to the player.

After that, I just sat in the chair, admiring him. The way his hair flops over his eyes, the way his eyelashes look like feathers. I begin to get up and walk out until I hear: "Don't leave."

I spun around and walked back to a sleeping Austin. "Austin? Are you awake?" I ask in a soft voice.

"Kinda, but I like having you here." He said in a sleepy voice, his eyes were still closed but he had straightened himself up so he wasn't laying at a weird angle anymore.

I sat back down and shrugged. "Okay, but I have to be out of here soon." I glanced at the clock on the wall. I have 49 minutes. His eyes squinted a little as he opened them.

"Come into bed with me, you're cuddley." He asked in a childish voice. I guess he's going to be alone for a while.

"Alright. Only for a few minutes." I said, kicking off my shoes. Who could resist? I climbed in next to him and hugged him from behind, my hands on his hard chest.

"Ally, I don't want you to leave." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

I smiled to myself. "I'll never leave. You know, metaphorically. I do have to leave in 45 minutes." I said with a laugh.

Then I laid there while he slept. My arms around him, lost in my thoughts.

I waited until it was half past before I got out of his bed. Austin was fast asleep so getting out wasn't hard. I put my shoes back on and kissed him goodbye on the forehead. Then I shut his door.

I went back to my room to see someone sitting on my bed. "Trish?" I asked as she got off the bed. I walked to her and we hugged. I haven't seen Trish since I told her about what Austin said to me when I first got put in hospital!

We broke apart and we sat on the bed. "Yep it's me! I've come to collect you! You're Dad's having a rough time at the moment with Sonic Boom so I volunteered! I've been here for 10 minutes though, where have you been?" She asked in a mum like tone.

I laughed. "Austin asked me to stay with him for a bit." I replied, shrugging.

She shook her head and smiled. "I heard you two are a 'thing' now!" She squealed.

"Whoa, how do you know? We haven't told anyone, well I haven't..." My voice trailed off. Has Austin told someone?

"Austin text Dez last night. Dez was excited and he said 'Austin felt so happy.' Apparently." She quoted. Austin's happy, I'm happy.

"That's sweet." I smiled and looked down at my dangling feet. I felt myself blush.

"So what are you doing later?" Trish asked, changing the subject.

The only thing I want to do is hang out with Trish and Dez, and see Austin in the evening. But I can't. "I have to meet up with James." I said, my smile dropping. I jumped off the bed and started pacing back and forth across the room.

"James? Why? What's that rat done now?" She asked in a threatening tone. I stopped pacing and told her about the conversation with James and the fight with Austin.

"And that's why I have to meet up with him, who knows who else he could injure." I exclaimed. I started packing the rest of my stuff then I headed out of my room, followed by Trish.

"What if I go with you, just in case he tries to hurt you?" She asked. Why does everyone think that I can't defend myself?

"You sound just like Austin," I laughed. "but no, I have to do this by myself. I'll text him now. I have to meet him at the beach." I continued, whipping out my phone.

"Are you sure about this Ally? I mean, he is James, he can hurt you." She looked really worried, I stopped and put my hands on both her shoulders.

"Trish, I have to do this, no matter what the consequences are." I said in a determined tone.

She could tell she wasn't going to win this one so she just nodded. "Alright, it's your choice. Just be careful. Okay?" She asked.

"I promise." I said with a laugh. I'm Ally Dawson, when am I ever not careful. Sometimes I'm too careful. We started walking to reception where I signed out and then left with Trish.

The hospital isn't far from the beach or Sonic Boom, so I asked Trish to take my stuff to Sonic Boom and to tell my Dad I went for a walk to stretch my legs while I headed to the beach to meet James. I just hope 'talking' is all he wants to do...

Bad Enough For You (Auslly) <EDITING>Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora