All nighter...

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Ah man, I fell asleep! I looked around and saw Austin lightly strumming a guitar. The lights were dim but I could still make out his noticeable features, like his cheekbones and that jaw line...

Looking down I saw a blue blanket covering my body and my head was settled on a folded up leather jacket. It was Austin's and it smelt really good. I was actually debating whether to stay lying down and gaze at the sight of Austin for longer but that would be creepy and weird so I decided against it. "Austin, how long have I been asleep for?" I asked sitting up and yawning.

He smiled at me. "A few hours, maybe?" I stretched my arms. He was in his red shirt because he gave me his leather jacket but then my eyes widened.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked, panicking.

He kept strumming the guitar. "Because you looked so tired, you needed the sleep. So, I saved a few slices of pizza, covered you with the blanket and started the verse." He replied. I smiled at him.

When did he get so nice? "That's so sweet, thank you Austin. So you actually wrote the verse?" I asked impressed. I stood up and folded the blanket.

"Well, not exactly, I have the melody, just no lyrics." He said starting to play a few chords.

"I thought of some in my sleep, what do you think about: Flip a switch, turn on the lightning?" I asked, writing them down in my book.

He smiled, "Yeah, sounds good."

An hour later, we had a verse and a chorus. "What about the second verse?" Austin asked.

I flicked through my book. "What about: This could be, an overnight sensation?" I asked.

He smiled. "It best be considering how much effort we're going through."

I giggled, whoa, that was my nervous giggle...Do I like Austin? No, don't be stupid Ally, he's your friend. But something inside me knew I was lying.


The next day at school, Trish ran up to me. "So, did you finish the song?" She asked smiling. We were outside, at the lockers. I sat on the bench opposite them.

"Yeah, it took all night. Trish, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. She sat next to me.

"Sure, we're best friends, you can tell me anything." She said with a more serious face.

I glanced around me to check if the coast was clear. "Okay, so I was up with Austin all night and I fell asleep halfway through. But when I woke up, Austin had covered me with a blanket, which was really sweet-" I began to say.

"The short version please?" Trish interrupted.

"Oh, okay, I think I may have a small crush on Austin." I say, smiling shyly. Trish's face slowly turned into an " :O " face.

"EEEEPPPP! Ally! This is your second crush, if you include Elliot. I have to tell Austin!" She said about to stand up.

I grabbed her arm and stopped her. "No Trish! First, quiet voice, second, you can't! I've known him for a day, plus he told me that he doesn't want a girlfriend. And I said small crush. Nothing big!" I shrugged.

She nodded. "Alright, I won't tell Austin, but keeping it inside will have to be classed as a favour. And I need a favour in return." She said calmly.

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "What do you want this time Trish?" I asked. She smiled at me.

"Welllllllll..I got a new job as a waitress at this hotel restaurant and my first day is Saturday, the same day as Jules' Jewels Sale. Soooo....." She said.

I smiled. "So you want me to fill in for you while you go to the sale?" I ask.

She nodded at me and I rolled my eyes. "You took the words right out of my mouth!" She said happily.

I sighed. "Fine, just don't tell Austin."

Right when I said that, Austin and Dez walked up to us. "Don't tell Austin what?" Austin asked raising his eyebrows suspiciously.

I giggled nervously. "Er, don't tell you about...your congratulations party after your first TV performance, but you ruined it! Guess I'll have to call it off..." I lied. I hate lying but I couldn't tell Austin that I liked him.

"What? Seriously? Man, I'm sorry Ally. Please don't call it off!" Austin begged sitting beside me on the bench. My heart was beating so fast and loud, I was afraid he could hear it!

"Too late. Sorry Austin, you already know about it." I smiled before standing up with Trish and walking away from them.

Once we got round the corner, Trish stopped me. "Hide round the corner, we can listen to their conversation!" Trish whispered. She peered around the corner.

I listened too. "Dez can I tell you something? It's kinda personal." I heard Austin say. Dez sat on the bench next to him.

"Sure buddy. Well, when a mummy and daddy love each other very much-" Dez started to say but Austin interrupted.

"Gross dude! Not that! Dez, is it crazy to like someone you hardly know?" He asked. I looked at Trish. Her eyes widened.

We kept listening. "Who is it? Come on dude, you can tell me, I'll probably forget it in 10 minutes anyway." Dez joked.

Austin stood up and started pacing back and forth. The he stopped and faced Dez. "It's Ally. I knew this would happen, I fall for people way too fast, man. I don't know what to do!" He said sitting down again. I looked at Trish in horror and froze.

Austin likes me?

Austin likes me.

Austin likes me!

Trish's eyes practically popped out of her head and she smiled. "This is great!" She whispered then we got back to spying on them.

"Don't stress man, maybe she doesn't like you that way. But I could get her to. People call me..." He whispered the next part. "The Love Whisperer."

I so wanted to storm around the corner and say "I do like you that way!" But I couldn't, I couldn't even move.

"I don't know man." Austin replied. He whispered like Dez did for the next bit. "And no one calls you that!" Dez frowned at him. Austin stood up again. "And I want her to decide if she likes me or not and not get pressured into it." The loud ring of the bell muted their conversation until it stopped, then all we heard was, "come on man, let's get to class." Austin finally said before going off with Dez.

I turn to Trish, both of our eyes still wide. "Austin likes me?" I asked just to make sure that it wasn't my cruel mind playing tricks on me.

She nodded enthusiastically. "Yep. What are you going to do? Ask him out?" She asked going to her locker.

I followed her. "I don't know, I hardly know him, plus he'll get freaked out, he's probably nervous for Thursday, plus I have work and school and now Team Auslly, I don't have time for dating. Maybe we should stay friends." I said nodding to myself.

Trish got her books out. "It's your choice." She shrugged. The we went off to class.

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