The Helen Show

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I ran to the parking lot and collapsed onto my knees and wept. Angry gusts of wind hit my face and fury built inside of me. How could he just take credit for my song? He technically stole it from me right in front of my face!

It started to rain. Perfect. My dress is soaked, it's freezing cold and my hair and makeup are ruined! "Ally!" I heard Trish yell. She was running towards me with a big umbrella. She stood over me with the umbrella and helped me up.

"How could he do that? I thought he was my friend!" I said through my tears.

Trish hugged me and said "Ally let's get you dry." She tried pulling my arm so I could go back into the Helen Show, but I stood where I was.

"No, I just want to go home." I said looking at the floor. "I just want to get away from here." This was my favourite dress. It's soaking wet now. Trish walked me to the car and opened the door for me. I got in and Trish walked round to the other side.

"Can we go to Miami Mall please?" Trish said to the driver as I wept into my hands. The driver took us to the Mall parking lot and Trish told him to go back to pick up Austin and Dez after the show.

We walked to Sonic Boom but my dad had already gone home. I fished out my keys in my bag and opened the door. We walked in and Trish turned on the TV. The Helen Show was on and Austin had performed and was about to answer questions but I didn't want to watch.

I rolled my eyes. What a jerk. I can't believe I liked him. I'm such an idiot.


"Hey Trish, did you study for that pop quiz in French tomorrow?" I asked her as I put my books in my locker. I was feeling better today but if I see Austin I have no clue how I'd react!

Trish gave me a weird look "Pshh, no!" She laughed. I rolled my eyes playfully at her.

"Ally!" I heard Austin call from behind me.

I looked at Trish, feeling annoyed. "Let's go, I don't feel like talking to him at the moment." I closed my locker and walked off with her before Austin could talk to me.

In home-room Austin came up to me. "Hey, why did you leave early yesterday? I would've thought you would stay and supported me." He said looking down at me. He was joking...right?

"Are you kidding me?! I wouldn't support you if you lost a leg and I was the only person you could lean on!" I yelled but in a whisper, the last thing I want is to make a scene.

Austin looked generally confused. "What did I do?" He asked, frowning.

I frowned at him. "You don't even know, do you? Well, you should know what you did." I snapped.

He stepped back but as I started to walk off he said "Wait!" Then he walked towards me. "Are you going to help me write another song?" He asked. I scoffed, rolled my eyes and walked off to Trish.

Lunch came around too fast. I sat with Trish on the field, Austin and Dez had to stay behind in Science because they were talking.

Suddenly, Trish gasped "I know what to do!"

I looked straight at her. "What?" I asked, confused.

"I need to give you a makeover!" She said grinning.

I rolled my eyes. "Why?" I asked, I knew I was going to regret it. But surprisingly I didn't.

"We need to make Austin jealous. Revenge. He likes you, right? Well, if he sees you all dolled up and stuff, he'll want to go out with you, but you will have too many guys asking you out before he can!" She said evilly.

I sighed. "I don't know Trish, that would never work. And wouldn't I be using the guys that ask me out? You know, if any do." I questioned.

She shook her head. "No, because I can make sure James asks you out." Her eyes narrowing.

She knows I've had a crush on James since he moved to our school, but he's popular and I'm well...a nobody. "James Marcus? I don't know..." I said.

She put her hand on my shoulder. "Trust me Ally, It's fool proof."

It's such a short chapter, I'm sorry :(

Bad Enough For You (Auslly) <EDITING>Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin