♡Who Are You♡

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Why was Joseph crying while sitting next to me? I unlinked Robert's hand and held Joseph's, I had to. Robert looked dead mad with me, it was kinda hot.

Aaron - "Joseph what's up?"
Joseph - "I've just been in a fight."
Aaron - "Oh my god, with who?"
Joseph - "I don't know someone just hit me."
Robert - "I gotta go."
Aaron - "Robert.."
Robert - "See ya later yeah?"
Aaron - "Yeah.."

Robert smiled at me and walked away, I couldn't help but want to cry with him, but not for Joseph's sake.

Aaron - "It's gonna be okay."

Joseph smiled as I went to get him a pint, after a few hours Joseph went home.

Robert's POV
I waited for Joseph to come out of the pub because I knew he was lying to Aaron. He came out and walked around the corned, I ran after him and pinned him to the wall.

Robert - "Why did you lie to Aaron?"
Joseph - "Excuse me?"
Robert - "Don't you dare use 'excuse me?' With me!"
Joseph - "Erm.."
Robert - "Right I'll ask you one more time, why did you lie to Aaron!"
Joseph - "I don't understand what you mean?"
Robert - "Right. When you were telling Aaron that you where in a fight, you where obviously lying! So what were you covering up? You better tell me now!"
Joseph - "Okay, can we erm go somewhere?"
Robert - "Fine come on."

Aaron's POV
I was laying on my bed thinking about Robert and how happy we could be if Joseph got lost.

Chas - "Aaron love, you want out to eat?"
Aaron - "Na I'm alright."
Chas - "Alright, well just shout me if you want something."
Aaron - "Will do."

I got back into my thoughts of Robert, oh how gorgeous is he?

Robert's POV
We were sitting on the couch at Vic's while no one was there.

Robert - "So?!"
Joseph - "Okay, well. I'm- I'm married."
Robert - "Your what?!"
Joseph - "Erm, yeah, I'm married, to a beautiful woman."
Robert - "To a what? Your cheating on Aaron?"
Joseph - "What? No! I'm basically cheating on my wife with Aaron."
Robert - "You don't even deserve to call or say his name!"

Oh my god! That's exactly what me and Aaron did to Chrissie, Aaron won't be able to handle another affair, ours nearly kilt him! I can't let Joseph slowly kill him.

Robert - "You gotta tell him, and brake up with him or her."
Joseph - "I can't."
Robert - "You have to."
Joseph - "I can't!"
Robert - "Either you tell him, or I will!"
Joseph - ".. But he won't believe you."
Robert - "Believe me, he will believe me over you! So who's it gonna be, you or me?"
Joseph - "Erm.."
Robert - "Either you pick which one it's gonna be, or I'll just go and tell him now for ya, so your choice?"
Joseph - "Are you threatening me?"
Robert - "Nah, I'm too good for that. I'm simply just giving you a choice whether you want to tell Aaron the truth, it I'll do it for you, choose."
Joseph - "Erm, I-"
Robert - "I'll give you 2 days from tomorrow, tomorrow will be the first day."
Joseph - "Okay.."
Robert - "You can go now. BYE!"
Joseph - "Bye.."
Robert - "Make the right choice and I won't kill you."


Hope you enjoyed ;)
Will Joseph make the right decision or will Robert have to take over?

I Need To Forget The PastOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora