♡Plan A; StallerAndGrab♡

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I woke up and started to panic because today was the day. Robert woke up as well and sat up next to me and pulled me into him warm chest.

Robert - "Today will be easy, don't panic, it'll be fine, we'll be fine, I promise you."

I smiled and kissed his soft lips passionately.

Aaron - "What if it all goes wrong? What if we get caught?"
Robert - "What did I just tell you? I promise you, we'll be fine."

Robert held me tight as I started to calm down. I looked up to him and kissed his lips passionately and lovingly. I turned to look at my clock, it was 11:00AM, we'd been sitting talking for over an hour.

Robert - "Listen, do you want to go to the cafe then go somewhere before we go to the hotel? My treat."
Aaron - "Yeah, I'd love that!"
Robert - "Okay, get dressed."

I just smiled at Robert and got up to walk to my wardrobe and get changed. Robert done the same. Robert got changed into one of his fancy outfits, why? Nothing specials happening, guess it's just the way he is. I couldn't help but stare while he was getting ready which made Robert smile.

Robert - "What you looking at?"
Aaron - "You, how gorgeous you are!"

I smiled at Robert and ran over to him, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him passionately on his soft warm lips. Robert pushed me onto my bed, as I laid on my back Robert jumped onto the edge and crawled to me, he kissed down my neck and down my body. My lips slipped out a soft moan as Robert used the tip of his tongue.

Robert - "I love you so much Aaron!"
Aaron - "I love you too Rob!"

I smiled up at Robert as he smiled down to me. I slammed my head back down onto the pillow as I gasp with pleasure. Robert sat up and pulled me up. We both got redressed. I looked over at my alarm again, it was now 1:30PM.

Robert - "Come on, there's still time to eat at the cafe then do something together."
Aaron - "Sure."

We walked out of the pub and headed to the cafe. Robert held my hand as we walked down the street, I loved how Robert doesn't care who sees us together anymore, we can just be a normal couple and not care about what others think. We ate at the cafe and then got back into Robert's car, we fastened our seatbelt's and Robert turned to me.

Robert - "It's 3:00PM now so before we go to the hotel do you wanna go to the park and play football?"
Aaron - "Yeah, just don't regret it when you lose to me."
Robert - "As if, once I got asked if I wanted to be a professional footballer because I was that good."

Oh god I love Robert's sarcasm so much! We drove to the park and played football, Robert won a couple times and so did I, in the end we were tied. Ross called, it was now 4:20PM.

Ross - "Get to the hotel now, he's there."
Aaron - "Okay we're on our way."

I hung up the phone and walked back to Robert and kissed his lips quickly but meaningfully.

Aaron - "That was Ross we gotta get to the hotel, he's there."
Robert - "Okay let's go."

We finally got to the hotel and we where stood outside and I quickly called Ross to say we where here.

Aaron - "We're here, where is he?"
Ross - "He's sitting in the lavatory room, on your right, in the velvet red booth by the window. See you on the other side."

I hung up and grabbed onto Robert's shoulders and looked him in the eyes, I told Robert what Ross said, about where the man was sitting.

Aaron - "Let's go!"
Robert - "Right behind you."

We walked into the hotel and I walked into the lavatory room and looked into the direction Ross said he was sat, and I seen him sitting in the only velvet red booth by the window, that mush be him!

Robert - "That must be him!"
Aaron - ".... Joseph?"


Longer than usual again! I hope you enjoyed :)
Joseph? What's happening?

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