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Chloe's point of view:

,,Beca?" I ask her the moment she closed her eyes again. I panic a little. What if she's falling back? Jesse has brought a doctor in the room and now he is doing some tests.
,,Don't worry miss Beale. The danger has passed, she's just a sleep now." Everyone just cheer up and I'm give the doctor a hug. Jesse gives Stacie a kiss on her cheek and Aubrey and my mother fall in each other arms.
,,I'm so happy for you honey." My mother gives me a hug.
,,Yeah, me too. I can't live without her and I'm glad I didn't give up on her."
,,You did the right thing." Aubrey hugs me right now. ,,I also mean that you've broken with Tom and go all the way for Beca. I'm proud of you girl."
,,Thank you Bree." Beca's mother just stand still and look over to her daughter. She doesn't move. I walk over to her and give her a warm hug. ,,It's okay. Beca is awake, she will be fine." I whisper towards her.
,,I know Chloe, but why is she so tired? She slept the whole time."
,,Maybe she's been fighting to hard. Maybe she had trouble waking up."
,,Who knows. I'm glad that she's awake."
,,You don't seem very happy."
,,O, Chlo I am. The last month were the scariest month of my life. Nobody wants to see there daughter of son in this state. I just have to revive myself a little bit, after all what happened."
,,I have that too. If I see her father again, I will punch in the face." Beca's mother starts laughing.
,,You only have to focus on Beca, let me handle her father." I nod and then I turn my head back to Beca, who just open her eyes. I walk to her and sit next to her. I don't know if she recognize me. I just smile at her. Beca looks to everyone.
,,Beca, I'm so happy that you are awake." Jesse give her a hug.
,,Thank you, I guess."
,,Do you remember anything?" Aubrey ask her.
,,Well, I know that nobody believed Chloe when I moved my hand."
,,We wanted to believe it, but..."
,,I get it. It's not possible with people in coma."
,,I'm sorry."
,,Don't say sorry to me, but towards Chloe." Beca looks towards me and grabs my hand.
,,Sorry Chloe." Everyone said to me and I just nod.
,,Beca, I was so afraid of losing you," I begin and the tears are coming into my eyes again. ,,I can't live without you."
,,You don't have to, I love you and I hope this will never happen to me again."
,,I hope it doesn't either." Beca grabs my neck and give me a kiss.
,,There's one question." Beca ask me while backing away.
,,What's the thing you want to know?"
,,What happened to me? Why am I here?" Just when I'm about to tell her everything, Tom walks in. Beca looks at him with an angry compression on her face. ,,What are you doing here?"
,,Don't worry, Beca. I just want to talk to you or Chloe must have told you." Beca looks towards me, but I can't tell her anything, because I don't know what he's talking about.
,,What are you talking about?" Beca still holds my hand.
,,About Chloe and I." Beca looks towards him, but don't let go of my hand. ,,That we are together again."
,,You are together with Chlo?"
,,Yeah, for about one month now. She has chosen me, instead of you because you where in this coma."
,,Is that true?" Beca looks to me. ,,Are you with him again?" I want to tell her no, because Tom and I haven't seen each other for three months, but Tom answer for me.
,,Yes she is and you can't have her anymore. Chloe and I are going to have a family. While you were lying here, Chloe had sex with me because she was so lonely and now she's pregnant." Beca's eyes become bigger. What the hell is he doing? I can see that Beca has pain. He's making her upset! Beca let go of my hand. Does she believe him?

Beca's point of view:

Chloe is pregnant of him? She had sex with him, while I was fighting for my life? I let go of her hand and she looks upset, but I don't care. I have lost her to Tom again?
,,Beca, don't believe a word Tom is saying." I'm looking towards Amy. Why shouldn't I believe him? He has done it before. Chloe has chosen him over me before and I will understand, because who wants to have a girlfriend in coma right? ,,He's lying."
,,Why would he lie about such a big thing?"
,,Because he's Tom. The biggest asshole on this earth." Aubrey say while step forward.
,,Beca, the last month Chloe was sitting next to your bed, praying for you to wake up. She even forgot herself because of you. I never have seen Chloe this way and that means she really loves you." Stacie now added.
,,She was holding your hand all the time and sing for you, while she was crying. Tom wants to make you upset, so he can have her." Cynthia-Rose now tell me. Everyone is going to say something, but the only one I want to hear from if it's true is Chloe.
,,You have an relationship with Chloe, that's been lasted for two months. You were happy together, until your father shot you." Amy ends. Wow, that's a lot to take in. My own father shot me? I have a relationship with Chloe? She really choose me? I need to know and about the truth I can only believe Chloe, so I turn my head to her.
,,Is that true? You are not together with Tom, but with me? You were here the whole time? My own father shot me?" I see that Chloe sign for a moment.
,,Yeah Becs, that's all true. I've chosen you and we live together. Your father shot you, but he didn't mean to do that. The only one he wanted to shoot was me."
,,What?!" I get angry and there is that pain again.
,,Please, Beca. Calm down, otherwise you'll hurt yourself." I believe Chloe. Every word she's saying. Tom just have to go. She's crying over me, because I'm here. I have to be the strongest, not her. I can't believe what she has going trough. ,,I just tell you the truth, everything what happened. He wanted to shoot me, but you jumped in front of me, you protected me and that's why you were in coma."
,,Beca." Tom walks towards me. Immediately Chloe is standing up. ,,You know Chloe will always be weak." That makes me angry.
,,Chloe isn't weak!" I yell at him. Au, that hurts!
,,I can find her sweet spot, so when I reach that, she'll be on her knees for me. I know that you are afraid of losing her to me and I know that you are thinking that Chloe has been using you and she did, because she doesn't love you."
,,Shut up, Tom!" Aubrey yell.
,,Don't let Beca doubt about Chloe! They are meant for each other!" Amy yells too.
,,I'm just telling the truth to Beca. The truth Chloe just told, was a fake one so she doesn't hurt Beca's feelings. Beca has the right to know about Chloe and me."
,,Fuck you, Tom!" Stacie push him right now.
,,No." He look at me again. ,,I'm sorry but Chloe was with me when you were lying here. She will give herself for everybody." Now everyone's getting mad at Tom and push and yell. It's driving me mad! I have pain in my stomach, but ignore it.
,,Everybody, shut the fuck up!" I yell and immediately everybody's quiet. My monitor is going crazy right now and Chloe look to it with a scary face. ,,Look Tom." I continue. ,,About what you say about you and Chloe..."
,,You have to believe me."
,,Shut up!" Everybody looks a little bit scared towards me. ,,I have to be honest. I am afraid of losing Chloe, I really am. The old Beca, would have believed you Tom, but when I was looking in Chloe's eyes I saw somebody who actually really cares about me. Why would she lie to me?"
,,Because she has lied before."
,,That's true, but I know she's smart. She won't lie to me again and risk that she will lose me. The only one who's lying right now is you Tom. You want Chloe and can't bare she's with me now. What is it that you have against me?"
,,You have her, you have stolen my girlfriend."
,,I was never your girlfriend!" Chloe yells towards him now.
,,You would have been, but you've chosen her over me. You just a hooker, when you are done with her, you'll be back at me!" Tom gives Chloe a push. Now I'm pissed. He can yell against me, but not against her! I undo myself from the monitor and get out of bed. I'm on the edge of falling, but I don't care. I walk towards Tom.
,,Nobody calls her a hooker!" I yell at him and push him. ,,Go away!"
,,I'll be back." Tom says to me and leave. The pain I'm having is now too big and I fall on the ground.
,,Beca!" Chloe ran towards me and wants to help me up again.
,,Au, fuck!" I yell and grab my stomach. This time I can't ignore the pain any longer. Chloe looks to my hand and looked scared.
,,Beca, your bleeding!" I look to my hand. I don't want Chloe or anybody to see me bleed like this. Stacie has already push the alarm and now two doctors are coming in. They put me back in the hospital bed.
,,Thank you for being here. Can you all please go?" I look towards everyone, also Chloe. Everyone nod there heads and leave, except for Chloe. ,,Baby, please go. I don't want you to see this." And before she can react, the doctors are taking me out of the room. Chloe ran after us and walk beside me. ,,Chlo..."
,,Sstt. I'm not leaving you." I look towards my stomach and the wound is big and blood is coming out of it. My eyes are closing. ,,Please stay." I hear Chloe say before everything went dark.

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