Ch 69. Nowhere To Be Found

Start from the beginning

"S-Sorry..." I apologised and handed him the magazine. He took it and returned to looking in his phone. He sure is in a bad mood.

"I'm sincerely sorry for sitting on your face but please stop looking at me like that." I begged. He looked away, possibly even angrier. Tom was just observing us, and giving Darrén mixed up expressions, probably also wondering why Darrén was like that. But I knew. But would he be that mad at Chris? Chris isn't really involved in any way.

He stopped looking at me, just like when I was Sarah. I was terrified.

"Seriously, please don't be mad! It's just a magazine!"

"It's not that!" he roared, as if he let it all out from that time he saw Kevin. Tom jumped out of his bed, and I assumed that he has never seen Darrén snap like that.

He marched out of the room and slammed the door.

"What the hell was that?" Tom asked and I could see how scared he was no matter how much he tried to hide it.

"I don't know." I replied fast and went after him. But I can't compete to Darrén. If I run after him he'd win for sure because of that 'the longer he runs, the faster he gets'-thing. And my 'the longer I run, the slower I get'-thing. But I would have a chance if I caught him immediately because I'm fast in the beginning. I thought of giving it a shot.

"Darrén!" I yelled. I saw something move outside the gate and knew that it was him, because he moved exactly when I called for him. I ran through the guards and saw something disappearing in the corner. I ran as fast as I could and got caught by a bush. It was stuck on my wig and wouldn't get off. I kept squealing, trying to get it off.

I gave up and took off the wig, leaving it there. My braid fell down and I took off my uniform and hid it inside the bush so that no one would see me wearing Chris' uniform with this long hair. My bangs fell down and I just wore my long shirt that could be a dress. Surprisingly, it wasn't cold even though I had nothing covering my legs.

I ran as fast as I could. No signs of him.

"Darrén!" I yelled as loud I could. Echo. "Darrén!"

It was the same response no matter where I went. To be honest I didn't even know where I was. But I still kept on walking, thinking that I'd definitely find him if I continued.

I saw some drunk guys, and if I saw right I think it was the guys that tried to pick me up at the bus when Emíne and I were going to spy on Darrén and Ambreal. They didn't walk straight and as soon as they saw me they started cheering.

"Hello sexy!" that annoying leader greeted, marching towards me. He didn't recognise me which wasn't a big surprise because I wore a wig before.

"Hi..." I said and looked away, trying to just ignore him later. But this isn't really things you can imagine, it's reality, and reality never goes as you plan.

He moved closer to my ear and grabbed my arm. I just wished that Darrén was here, protecting me. But now I'll repeat it - This is reality. Nothing I want will happen.

"Let's play." he whispered and I tried getting out of his grip but it was useless. His group was laughing at how defenseless I was.

"Go to hell." I growled but he just seemed more amused. "Don't touch me!" I yelled but he didn't even flinch.

His friends held my arms and his hand found it's way to my chest. My phone was there and when he squeezed my chest it reacted - and called someone. Thank you God. But who is it calling?

It was annoying how he underestimated me. But I felt how I got thirsty and remembered what the Doctor had told me today. I felt how I got dizzy, an knew that I'd faint - maybe even get raped by these monsters.


It was sunny. I opened my eyes and felt the sand. I was on the beach. There was a jacket on me. I wasn't freezing and knew that there had been someone - someone that saved me yesterday and kept me warm all night. Who? I don't know. All I had was a black jacket that was really warm, laying on top of me.

Even though I had no proof that there was someone with me all night, I had the jacket, and someone did save me from the guys yesterday - or those guys maybe suddenly became really nice which doesn't sound possible. And I felt the aura the whole night, that someone was watching me - not in a creepy way because I felt safe.

I wonder who it was, because I wanted to show my gratitude. I looked at the sunrise and couldn't help staring, getting reminded of Darrén. I remember that night with Darrén when we had a socalled date or whatever it was. That was the best day in my whole life I have to admit. Now I'm getting embarrassed. I observed how it slowly moved and knew that even though I had school to attend I couldn't go no. I still have to find him, and I don't even know where I am. And I left my phone home.

I wasn't worried of how to get home. I was only worried of Darrén. I need to find him. 

Where would he be? He would never return to the dorm that mad. Maybe he went home. I just remember vaguely where his place was.I have only been there once and my memory isn't that great. Before going to an unknown direction I dug my feet into the sand, feeling how it calmed me down. I put on my shoes and walked.

Maybe I should have thought about where I should have walked yesterday. This was kind of stupid of me, just running around like an idiot not even knowing where to go. But I just get desperate sometimes.

"Darrén!" I yelled. No answer. Do I need to repeat echo? I sat on a bench, exhausted. How far am I going to go for that guy? I just know that I have to find him. I closed my eyes slowly as I sighed. I just want to go home and relax, but at the same time I don't want it.

And it still doesn't matter since I have no idea where I am. No clue. But I'm not really worried about how to get back because it's like I know that someone will come and save me. I know it for sure.

It's just kind of annoying how I try finding him but won't even find a clue. This is ridiculous. I saw people walking by, passing me and they didn't seem to be able to help themselves from staring at me. It's kind of to be expected since I am only wearing a shirt. 

But I felt how scared I got everytime they passed. Only guys though. I knew it was the effect of yesterdays incident but I'm still scared.


Tired, tired and tired! Lately I've gotten less sleep. I usually sleep for 10 hours but that has changed with a huge turn since I started 9th grade. And preparing for the exams for the new school blah blah... This is kind of annoying. And sometimes when I get less sleep than 8 hours my sights gets kind of blurry. Good luck to me trying to get back my sleep, I don't want to get glasses...

Also, I noticed that I have a lot of grammar problems. May I ask if there's anyone that wants to edit? I'm just 15 years old and english isn't even my first language... It's on the comfy 2nd place! Yeah! No... that's nothing to be happy about.


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